She smiled, ❝ Chubby? You should see how small your waist is. How is that chubby? ❞ She said and walk out with a grin in her mouth and me laughing at her statement. I suddenly stared at myself on the big mirror in front of me, checking myself out from head to toe. I smiled to myself. And that's when I decided to stripped myself in front of it and wore the clothes as fast as I could yet I took my time while wearing it.

Staring at the mirror, looking at my reflection with awe in my expression, not believing on what I am seeing. Who the fuck is the girl in the mirror? She's so hot, I wanna ask for her number. I mindlessly laughed at the thought, checking myself again as I tried to adjust myself to the dress.

In my own opinion, I look pretty. Well, okay, maybe a little sexy, but my curves aren't that visible as the jacket whom I saw at the corner of the room is now covering it. Yeah, I don't like showing myself more even though I am fully dressed. As I got out, I figured out that I was hungry and fixed my H/L hair in an messy bun.

As I walk away from the room, many agents looked at me, surprised expression were visible to their faces, which actually made me blush. Someone even called me "Agent Romanoff" yet I answered them with a "Oh my god no, I'm not her, I'm sorry" which they would respond with an embarrassed smiled and apologise which I gladly accepted.

After meeting many people on the hall, I had finally arrived on the previous room I was before changing. My eyes directly landed on Captain America which he returns me an surprised look and if my eyes weren't mistaken, I saw him blush! Wow, Captain, you're such a cutie. I smiled at him, and so did he.

I silently took one chair and sit on it when I suddenly heard a whistle, which was obviously from Tony. ❝ You look hot on that outfit, Ms. Petite Cutie. Didn't know you had this kind of side of yours. ❞ He said with a wink as I returned him an embarrassed smile, then glared at him. ❝ Oh shut up, Tony. ❞ I said and rolled my eyes, when I heard my stomach grumbled. Oh shit, I'm so hungry. Tony snorted, looking at me with a smile, teasing me.

❝ What? I'm hungry okay? I didn't eat breakfast, not even coffee. Urgh. ❞ I said and closed my eyes, as I do the "face-palm". I internally screamed, as my stomach grumbled more. God, this is embarrassing as fuck. I almost wanted to cry when I heard someone sitting beside me, which made me look beside me, and oh boy I am so happy.

Agent Romanoff decided to sit beside me, and what's makes it better is that she brought foods! Well, it's actually just a sandwich and orange juice but eh, that's enough. I looked at her and smiled, ❝ Is that for me? ❞ I ask in anticipation. She looked at me, ❝ Of course. . . ❞ She said which made me grinned, yet pouted when she continues, ❝ not. ❞ She grinned, and I pouted. Come on!

I pouted at her, with puppy eyes, ❝ Please? I'll do anything you want, can I have those please? Pretty please? ❞ I said, hands clasp together. She suddenly laughs, which made me looked in confusion, ❝ Silly girl, of course it's for you. I'm not hungry anyway. ❞ She said as she handed the goods, and me happily received them, hugging it. I looked at her, smiling. ❝ Your my hero, Agent Romanoff! Thank you so much. I love you. ❞ I said, actually blabbering it. She smiled at me, ❝ Natasha. That's my name. ❞ She said and I nodded my head, my mouth full as I already ate the sandwich.

Tony chuckled, ❝ Thank you for doing that Romanoff, I owe you one. Now, I have some pictures of her being a cute one. Meaning, I have something to blackmail her. ❞ He said as he grinned to himself. I rolled my eyes. Whatever, Tony.

I was still silently eating and Tony laughing when Director Fury— I heard Tony called him that— with disbelief in his face. He look quite disappointed and annoyed. ❝ The green lantern doesn't want to cooperate with us. Damn that alien. ❞ He said as he walk back and forth. Thor looked quite puzzled too, ❝ What's an 'Alien'? ❞ He asks as I smiled at him, ❝ Species that aren't from here. ❞ I said that made him looked at me. He nodded his head, yet still not getting it.

What's the plan now, Fury? The move he did on Germany meant something. It gotta be something. ❞ Captain America said as he leaned his jaw on his palm, obviously thinking. Damn, he's so hot. Oh my god what am I thinking—

I shooked my head, trying to listen to their conversation. Tony scoffed, ❝ Of course it meant something, Old Man. ❞ He said, sarcastically. I glared at him, and he returned me an "what?" expression. I answered him with an "don't be so mean" look.

Director Fury looked at Thor, ❝ Can't you make your son of a gun brother of yours to speak? Make him say something. ❞ He said as Thor only looked at him with sadness. ❝ I cannot make my brother speak to me. His heart is already clouded with revenge. ❞ He said, made me look at him with sadness. Poor Thor. He looked like he cared for his brother, yet his brother can't appreciate it.

Tony chuckled, ❝ He is what he is. Asshole. An asshole that doesn't have enough love and attention to his mother. ❞ Tony again said in sarcastic way, which made my eyes rolled in disbelief. Thor looked puzzled, ❝ You must be mistaken, our Mother had loved him dearly. ❞ He said, his hammer in hand. Tony looked quite scared yet maintain an sarcastic expression, walked pass Thor, ❝ Don't take it so seriously, Point Break. No hard feelings. ❞ He said as he tapped Thor's arm, which Thor looked at then returned his gaze to Tony.

I deeply sighed, ❝ Can I talk to him? ❞ I politely asks at Director Fury, which earned me all of their surprised, and confused stare. Yet I heard Tony screamed, ❝ NO! I can't let you do that! No, nope! ❞ He said as he walk back at me, which I returned with a rolled eyes. Director Fury snorted, ❝ Why won't we give it a shot? Maybe a beautiful lady like her would make him speak up. ❞ He said as he stared at me with sarcasm on his voice. I smiled, looking at Tony. ❝ See? Even Director Fury approves. Why won't you let me help? ❞ I said with a pout.

Tony looked at me in disbelief, ❝ I don't want you to be on this, cupcake. ❞ He said, his index and thumb finger gently pressing the bridge of his nose. I looked at him in dull expression. ❝ The moment I teleported myself in that jet, I was already involved to this. ❞ I said, stating the obvious. He looked at me, as I shrugged my shoulders.

Natasha suddenly spoke up, ❝ It's okay Stark, I'll go with her. ❞ She said as she rested a hand on my shoulder, which made me smile. I looked at Tony with an expression saying "i told you so" as he just closed his eyes, shaking his head no.

I pleaded at him, which made him no choice but agreed. I grinned at myself as Natasha walks beside me, obviously going to Thor's brother's cell. I almost skipped my feet in excitement. I'm determined to help, and at the same time, I wanted to ask him something. Yay.

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