The lab

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I really had a mind block in this chapter today but tomorrow's part should be quite good.
Petra woke up to eren sneaking out of bed. It was to early in the morning to be dealing with eren. She got out of bed and grabbed eren who just opened the door. Eren giggled and Petra told him off. Petra looked at the time 7:38 she knew it was time to get up. She put the shower on, Eren then nocked on the door. She opened the door and eren wanted to get in the shower with her. She stripped him off and put him in. She allowed him because it's 1 of the only times he actually wanted a shower and didn't throw a fit. Petra then stripped of and they showered. Petra turned off the shower and got out. She dried herself off and got dressed. Petra looked at eren who was trying his best to get out of the bath. She got him out and dried him off. She then picked out some cloths that she thought eren would like. Eren looked at the shirt and wanted it. The t-shirt was green and had a dinosaur, Petra new he would want it. she put the t shirt on him and picked some blue shorts. Petra looked at the time again 8:12 she looked at eren who was obviously hungry and they headed off to breakfast. She sat him down in his high chair. Petra went to the front and grabbed some waffles. Eren started eating and Petra joined. After 20 minutes they were ready to leave. Petra grabbed there stuff and they left. Petra had told the soldiers that she needed a carriage. The soldiers got if for her and parked it ready for the long Journey. Petra put there stuff inside the carriage. And sat eren down it what hanji called. A baby seat. Eren refused to go in it at first but eventually he got used to it and fell asleep.
TIME SKIP-3 hours later

Petra and eren had just arrived at the mansion that hanjis lab was in. Petra grabbed there stuff and got eren. Eren looked around in amazement, he'd never seen a house this big. As they went inside eren was snatched by a crazy 4 eyes. Hanji then started shouting "LOOK HIE BIG UV GROWN" Petra smiled and eren had a worried face. Hanji showed them to were they would be staying for a few days. Eren looked around at the massive room. He looked excited to be staying there for a few days.

After a while up Petra putting there stuff away eren was ready to explore. Petra looked at the excited boy and they left the room. Petra just remember that Hanji wanted to give eren a check up. Petra grabbed erens hand and they started walking towards hanjis lab. Petra nocked on the door and the door flung open. Hanji looked at eren with a evil glance.. erens face dropped and he started sobbing. Hanji picked him up and put him on a metal table. Eren squealed for a second due to the table being so cold. Hanji grabbed a needle for the counter and eren freaked out and started throwing a MASSIVE tantrum. Petra looked at the scared boy and told him to close his eyes ere did just that but was still being stubborn. Petra told eren that it wouldn't hurt. Eren then sat still and hanji took blood. When hanji said done. Eren looked at Petra and said "That did huwt". Eren then looked at his arm to try to find the hold. Hanji came back cover and placed a dinosaur plaster and told eren that he was a brave boy. Eren then had a proud look on his face. Eren then started rubbing his eyes and yawned. Petra then said "are u tired" in a babyish voice. Eren then said "nwwww" Petra picked eren up from the table and cuddled him, moments later eren was sound asleep with his hands around petras neck. Petra said goodnight to hanji and returned to there room. Petra noticed that hanji had put a crib in the room for eren. Petra placed eren i the crib and wrapped him in his blanket. Petra then climbed into bed and fell asleep within seconds.
The next morning eren woke up and noticed that he was in a crib. He tried his best to climb out of it but failed. He then sat in the crib waiting for Petra to wake up. After 10 minutes eren got annoyed and started crying. Petra woke up at eren who was on his top toes looking just over the top of the crib. Petra got out of bed and picked him up. Eren stopped crying and asked for his toy dinosaur. Petra grabbed his bag and gave them to him. Petra sat eren down on the floor and went to get changed. Eren asked Petra "when is daddy coming back" Petra didn't want to lie to eren and said "I don't know". Eren looked at Petra then continued playing with his toys. There was then a nock on the door. Eren opened it and hanji walked straight in and asked if they was coming to town for breakfast. Eren looked at Petra and Petra said "sure" Petra finished getting ready and got eren ready. For the first time she let eren use any cloths he wanted. Eren picked stuff that didn't match. But Petra allowed him to wear it. She wanted eren to have a good day. They met up with hanji. Hanji passed Petra this device called a harvest. It wrapped around eren and had him on what resembled a lead. Eren hated it but Petra made sure he kept it on. While heading into town eren started to play up and tried his best to get away from Petra and hanji put couldn't get far due to the harvest. When they finally got to the restaurant eren calmed down a little bit and ate some pancakes.

After a while they returned to the mansion. Eren insisted on having a game of hide and seek. Petra nodded and began to count. Eren had found a hatch down stairs and slowly climbed down to the basement. It was really dark and eren started to get scared. Then he heard a something move and started screaming. Petra heard the boy and ran as fast as she could she climbed down the hatch and found the boy sat down crying. She asked what was wrong and he said something moved and made a big noise. Petra looked around and a rat came running at then Petra screamed and grabbed eren and ran up the stairs and shut the hatch. They both decided that it was enough games for know. Eren looked at his tummy and said "I'm hungy" Petra nodded and they headed to the kitchen. Petra asked eren what he wanted for lunch and of course he said "chicken nuggets" Petra chuckled and she put them in the oven. As soon as they was done. Petra put them on the table and say eren down at the dining table. Then hanji ran in with  a envelope. She started shouting "LEVI IN COMING BACK TOMORROW" Eren started shouting "YAY DADDYS COMING BACK" Petra sighed with relief.

Hanji looked at eren and gave him a present. As eren was opening it wrapping paper filled the air. Erens face started to glow as he opened the box containing a MASSIVE dinosaur. Eren wanted to play with it right away. Petra said he could only play with it if he had a shower. Eren sighed and Petra took him to the bathroom. Eren got in the shower. Petra started washing his hair. Eren started getting annoyed at how long it was taking. He only wanted to play with his dinosaurs. When eren finished and got dried off Petra put him in some plane blue pyjamas. Eren ran out of the room to play with the Dinosaur. The clock hit 12 and Petra decided it was Time for eren to go to bed. Eren refused and ran around the mansion. While Petra was trying to find him Eren ran knot hanjis room. Hanji looked at eren and giggled. Petra came running in and caught eren trying to hide under hanjis bed. Petra grabbed erens legs softly and pulled him to her. She chucked eren over her shoulder and started walking to there room. The whole time eren was shouting "NOOOOO" in a high pitched sweet voice. Petra laughed and placed eren in his crib.

That night eren refused to go to sleep. Petra put her pyjamas on and tried to sleep. Eren started sobbing and Petra finally had enough. Petra told eren to be quiet or they wouldn't see Levi tomorrow. Eren started crying quietly and said "Bbut I cawnt slewp" Petra got up and asked if he wanted a bedtime story. Eren of course said yea and Petra searched the room and only found a book about titans when she grabbed the book and turned to eren. She sat down in a chair next to the crib and began reading. Half way through the book she looked at eren who was snoring away. Petra went to bed and had a peaceful night sleep.

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