The failed experiment

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Writers note:I would firstly like to say this is my first writing. And it's on the topic of attack on Titans so if I get a few things wrong tell me in the comments


Hanji just called me to come to her lab I wonder what she wants from me know. As I entered her lab her glowing smile scared me ( I obviously couldn't let her know I was scared) as her mouth opened I already knew what she was gonna say so I quickly said "NO NOT AGAIN" her face dropped she quickly replied with "U didn't Evan know what I was gonna say" however I knew enough. As I tried to leave Hanji quickly shoved I vile of a purple liquid straight into my mouth. Soon after that I felt super sick and ran to the corridor and the closest bathroom was in captain Levi's room, I knew that the room was COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN FOR ANYONE TO ENTER. However I rather not throw up in the corridor and wake up everyone up especially because we are training to use odm gear tomorrow, so i quickly sprinted into Levi's room and ran to the bathroom and I started throwing up in the toilet.

(Another writers note: I'm sorry if a few sentences didn't make sense in that if there's any u are not sure about message me or comment and I will edit it and sort it out)


After training those brats I decide to call it a night and head back to my room, when going to back to my room I find my door wide open I think to my self "WHAT BRAT THINKS ITS OKAY TO GO INTO MY ROOM" So i walk into my room looking for clues to see who went in there and as I search the room I find the bathroom door cracked open a little bit ( I always close the bathroom door because it always made my room look a little bit cleaner) so I prepared my self to walk into the bathroom hands ready to fight off any intruder. As I slowly walked into the bathroom I noticed a pile of cloths next to the toilet I first thought ( the shower must of been out in 1 of the brats room and they thought they could use mying, I will punish the person who did this) as I go to walk out of the room I noticed the small pile of cloths started moving without hesitation I go to grab the -shirt first as I slowly pick it up there it is. A baby couldn't be no older than 2. Then I hear the alarm going so I picked up the baby and ran the the alarm. And there the creep was, 4 eyes is what I liked to call her. ( u guys would know her as hanji) there she was with every cadet in the facility and her on this little stand, she started by saying "I'm sorry for calling u guys at this time in the morning but this is a emergency, cadet eren jeger left my lab and I haven't been able to track him down so if anybody sees him come and inform me immediately"

Levi had to think for a minute and looked down at the small baby he had in his 1 hand and whispered "eren" the small baby looked up with his emerald greens eyes and smiled. Levi immediately knew what happened Levi walked up to the stand hanji was on and I called her down. Hanji shouted to the cadets "That is all good night" everyone in the Crowd "grumbled" half asleep and went back to there rooms. Hanji looked at The small baby in Levi's hands and screeched "Awwww" Levi face went bright red with embarrassment and said to hanji " hangi what did u do to eren this time " the small baby started crying. Levi looked down at the small baby that was normally quiet. Levi quietly whispered to baby "shut up" the baby looked confused and started crying louder the rest of the people that was standing around heard the baby and the sound of "awwwww" echoed the night. Levi hanji and the baby eren all went to hanjis lab. Levi laid baby eren on the table and looked hanji dead in the eyes and said "is there a way to get him back" hanji replied with "it might take, weeks mouths maybe Evan years. But I could look into a cure. But for know I need u to look after eren" Levi looked at hanji and simply replied with "no way, I hate children, children hate me" all of the suddenly eren tried to stand up and he did stand for a minute then he slipped and was about to hit the floor when Levi's instinct quickly kicked in and he managed to grab eren before he hit the floor. Erens face dropped and started screaming and crying Levi held him close up to his chest and within minutes eren was asleep. Hanji whispered to Levi "this is why I want u to look after eren because I know u will protect him and care for him" Levi then realised something and left the room with eren in his hands. Levi returned to his room and put eren on his bed. Levi then went to the bathroom to clean the cloths off the floor and then eren woke up and started crying again. Levi looked at the clock and realised it was 7 in the morning. Levi heard baby erens belly rumble and knew he was hungry so he grabbed eren and when to the cafeteria where he warmed up some milk and fed it to him then second after eren drank the milk he fell asleep. Levi then returned to his room placed little eren on his bed and then tucked eren in and Levi then jumped into bed and fell asleep looking at baby eren.

Levi's little bratUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum