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The sky was black, and silence except for the scanning of products by the registers could be heard in the grocery store. You didn't often go out to buy food for you and your brother at night, but your fridge was almost empty so you had no choice.

"Noona, where are you? It's dark out already! Please come home soon, I don't think it's safe to be out this late."

You finished paying the cashier and held your phone next to your ear while carrying the plastic bag filled with what you needed.

"Alright, I'm on my way back. Thank you for caring, Sunoo-ah~ I'll be just fine."

"Hurry!! If you aren't here in ten minutes, I'll call you again!"

You softly laughed and agreed, ending the call after bidding goodbye.

The cold wind brushes against your face. You hadn't realized it was 10:25 pm. As you walked on the empty roads back to your house, with only light from the street lamps, your shoulders tensed when knowing soon a building you dreaded would appear.

And there it was. An old abandoned and unfinished cement structure. No signs of life inside or even outside the perimeter. No sources of energy or light either. It was just... empty. It could have been up for demolition in the past year, but no one took it down.

You stared at it nervously, swallowing the fear stuck in your throat. On the other side would be a shorter route leading back home. You couldn't go around it as there were metal fences blocking your path, leaving only one option. Go through it. Get to the end. Get back to your brother. Or you could take the long way, but it was nearing midnight and you didn't want to be out any longer where shadows covered every inch of land.

"It'll be quick... no one will know... nothing will happen," you assured yourself in a shaky whisper, scared if anyone could hear you that you didn't know was there.

And with a heavy chest, you enter. Rubble and other bits of sand and rock were scattered along the stone floor. You tried not to breathe in the dust mixed with the air. The silence heightened your senses, and a single noise or movement in the dark would send you running for your life. Courage was never your best trait.

Fortunately for you, the exit was at last in the distance. Just before you could hurry and get out of the place, loud shouts bounced off the walls and froze you with fear.

"What... was that...?" Your breathing became shallow, body unwilling to turn around to see where the noise came from.

Clenching your fist, you slowly take in your surroundings. Nothing. Just empty stone walls and dirt-covered floors blended into the black void. You winced, cowering behind your arms when another yell echoed through your ears.


Cautiously, you walk in the direction you heard it coming from and turned a corner to see two men fighting. They were covered in bruises and blood, but fought ruthlessly.

You quickly hid behind a stone pillar so they wouldn't see you. Watching them, you crease your eyebrows confused at what they were doing in a building like this.

Eventually, one falls down and struggles to get up, coughing out blood. You gasp, but luckily they didn't hear it and continue to talk to eachother.

"Fuck you Lee Minho!!! Once the rest of them find out about this, you're dead meat," the one with dirty blonde hair hisses and sits up.

"Oh yeah?" The one called 'Minho' smirks cockily, striding towards him. "Don't be so sure Ji Hansol, since I know they won't find out."

"And how're you going to do that?" Hansol chuckles.

"Like this."

Your eyes widen and your breath hitches when Minho had pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"You wouldn't-"

Hansol didn't get to finish his sentence as Minho had roughly pushed the weapon deep into the side of his stomach. You wince at the sight of the blade being pulled out, covered in dark red blood.

Minho throws it to the side carelessly and looks at him with a blank face. "I wouldn't? Looks like I just did."

Hansol was loosing blood fast and you didn't know what to do. Even if you didn't know him, you never liked the thought of anyone dying. You wanted to somehow stop the bleeding, and the only thing you could think of was to run in there and figure out the rest later. So you did.

Your loud footsteps immediately drew both of their attention. Their gazes made you nervous but you ignored it and kneeled down next to Hansol.

"Get up, hurry. I'll help you get out of here." You whispered to him and he raised an eyebrow at you, clearly confused at your random apperance.

Nonetheless, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tried to stand up, only to get pushed back down harshly be Minho.

You were left standing there as Hansol grunted after the impact.

"Who the fuck are you." His voice was deeper than before and you normally would've became terrified but instead, a sudden confidence filled your heart and you spoke up, not hesitating a bit.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Why would you try to kill someone?!?! Lives are precious and you shouldn't go taking them like they're nothing!!!" You yell at him, noticing how his eyes grew more fierce.

"Don't tell someone what to do if you don't know the situation," he growls and clenches his fist.

"Dont know the situation?!? I'm not dumb!! I can tell you're trying to kill him and I won't let you!!! Every life matters!!! Yours, his, mine, and everyone else in the world!!!"

Minho grew angrier as the seconds passed by and he slammed his fist onto the wall next to him, slightly cracking the cement. The loud sound had startled you but you quickly regained your composure.

"FUCK!!! He got away!!!!" Minho looked to where Hansol previously was and you did too, only to see no one there.

"You!!" He walked over to you, his footsteps echoing. "You let him survive!! I swear I could kill you right here, right now."

Minho took you by surprise and pinned you to the wall. You tried to get out of his grip but it was no use, he was much stronger than you. Leaning in until his face was a few inches away from yours, he glares at you. And you knew that he. Was. Furious.

"You got 5 seconds left to live."

And then everything went black.

cold hearted | lee minho (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now