Once in his car and out of the underground parking lot, Midoriya joined the evening rush, occasionally edging over the speed limit so he could get home faster. It was rare that his work schedule lined up with Todoroki's, and they had the whole evening together.

Midoriya planned to make the most of every minute they had together.

The greenette got home before Todoroki did, and he went to start making dinner instantly. He wanted to do something special, and had been prepping as many ingredients in advance as he could. Midoriya starts the rice first, wanting it to have more than enough time to cool down. While he's waiting for it to cook, he adds the sauce to the filling for the summer rolls and wraps it in the rice paper before putting them in the fridge.

Once the rice is cooking, Midoriya starts chopping vegetables and fish to put in the sushi. He had just started his first roll when he heard the front door open.

"Izuku… I'm home…"

"I'm in the kitchen Sho," Midoriya calls, cutting the sushi into bite-sized pieces.

Todoroki hung up his coat and toed off his shoes before padding into the kitchen in socked feet. He walks up behind Midoriya, wrapping his arms around the greenette's waist and kissing his cheek. "Already making dinner?"

"Yeah, I wanted to do something special seeing as we're together this evening," Midoriya replies, turning his head so he could give the heterochromatic boy a brief kiss.

"Can I help with anything?" 

Midoriya chuckles, remembering what happened the last time Todoroki had tried to cook. He had forgotten about the soba noodles and all the water in the pot had boiled off, the noodles actually burning. The greenette can feel his lover scowl, knowing that Todoroki could tell what he was thinking about. "Why don't you fill a pot with water and put it on to boil? About three quarters, please."

Todoroki gives Midoriya a quick squeeze before releasing the smaller boy and doing as he was asked. Once the pot was in the stove, he returns to his place behind Midoriya, burying his face in his soft, fluffy hair. "What are we having for dinner?" Todoroki asks, inhaling Midoriya's scent. It reminded him of fresh linen, all warm and summery. Maybe a hint of citrus, like orange or lime.

"Summer rolls, sushi and gyoza. That's why I'm getting the water started so I can steam the dumplings," Midoriya explains. He'd made them last night so all he had to do was cook them.

Todoroki pouts into Midoriya's hair. "No soba?"

Midoriya laughs, putting down the knife he was holding. "Sho, we have soba all the time."

"But I like soba."

Midoriya giggles. "I know, I know. Maybe we can have it as a snack later?" he suggests, making another sushi roll and cutting it up. 

Todoroki smiles softly, pressing another kiss to Midoriya's cheek. "I was only teasing."

"I know you were."

The boys talk and tease each other as Midoriya finishes making dinner. The greenette is pulling out cups to set the table when it happens again. His right hand feels tingly and weird, the muscles not responding to the commands sent out by his brain. The glass slips from his grip, shattering on the floor. Midoriya hurriedly puts the other glass on the counter before he could break it too.

"Are you alright Zuku?" Todokori asks, noticing the way the smaller boy was flexing his hand.

"Yeah my hand just feels a little weird. I'm sure it's nothing," he replies, looking down at the mess of glass shard surrounding his feet. There was no way he's be able to step out of it.

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