"But why?"

"The air after midnight is insufferable."

She had no choice but to follow. Hoping that the other demon slayers weren't so far... But a small amount of worry was rampantly growing inside.

"Uhm, sir you said until midnight right?"
"Yes now let--"
"Will you wait for some time then, I have to find my friends."

"They are probably with their parents kid."
"No- th-they are ... Their parents are away for some time that is why I have to find them, so if you please?"

"..." He let out a small breath and shook his head.
"Fine but get to that house at the end quickly." The man with a dark blue haori pointed to a house which was at the end of the road.

"Alright I will. Thank you!" and with that she went out to find them.

They probably headed to the forest to find some clues.

Her steps were becoming quicker, jumping towards a fence when no one was around, and another jump letting her land on the roofs

Guess being a girl gives me more advantage in agility.... Still, what I wouldn't give to be stronger like before...

Her speed wasn't as amazing as Koucho's little sister who was always close to Tanjiro, neither was it as quiet as Makomo's, but it was good enough for her to go from roof to roof without making much of a disturbance. Although she was really missing being as fast as before.

I should start learning how to concentrate my breathing by starting slow.

Her feet stopped when she reached the closest fence to the forest.

No trails again...but the air...

It was becoming even more tense, thick enough to cause a fog.

That which grew more the deeper she went in.

Even the ground was becoming a blanket of white. She began to jump from the fence to the tree branches.

They have to be around here somewhere. Anywhere.

Her senses where on a constant look out for anything close by as she jumped from a tree branch to another.

Giyuu began to climb up one of the trees, there she could only see the lights of the town by now. But the fog was now covering even the highest parts of the village. Like a wave of mist.

"Aren't you too young to be a demon slayer?" The sound of the person that was present from behind made her loose balance, though a hand reached out to grab her stomach before she fell.

Giyuu looked at the floor below, everything was moving around her, she shook her head and turned around with a frown to find the person who hasn't shown up for the entire day.

"Uzu-?!---who are you!" For a moment she almost let the name slip out. Out of the people that Giyuu had worked with in the dream, this person was the one Giyuu had the least knowledge of, and was most annoying to deal with by how unbelievably different he was.

"Answer my questions first. I was the one who started." Fair.

"I just became a demon slayer at a young age that's all."

"Then... would that mean you are from a family of demon slayers?"

"No, I'm just.... Wait answer my question first!" Double fair.

"Uzui Tengen. A god of festivities." She payed no attention to that last part though he didn't like the deadpanned face she was making.

"Tomioka Giyuu." The boy blinked for some time.

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