Part 29

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Damon's POV

We have finally arrived at the Bennet cabin.  There seemed to be a lingering shadow that hung over us as we walked closer to the cabin's entrance. Bonnie and I looked at each other before approaching the cabin. As I walked closer, I could feel something psychically pushing me back as if a heavy object was being placed on the front of my body and slowly pushing me out of the doorway of the cabin. I tried to ignore it and kept walking closer to the cabin, which seemed nearly impossible because my feet suddenly became heavier as if they were being magnetized to the ground, but I dragged them along with my body anyway. The pressure started building and it became even more difficult to get my body to move as if a hidden force was keeping it from entering the cabin. I suddenly paused and stopped trying to move forward, as I back out of the cabin's doorway I felt the pressure release from my body and I finally realized what was happening. There was an invisible forcefield against vampires put in the cabin by an original witch, so Bonnie would have to find clues on her own since I could not enter the building. I plan to stand guard anyway and be a look-out for Bonnie in case someone or something dangerous approaches us. 

Stefan's POV

Elena brought me to the woods to discuss something, but she was taking a long time to start the coversation, so I decided to break the silence myself. "So, Elena Gilbert, what do I owe the pleasure? What did you want to talk about?" It was silence for a few more moments until she finally spoke.

 "Are you worried about when Amelia is just going to show up again? I know she went into hiding, but she can pop up at any second and honestly I'm a bit scared, not really for myself, but for Bonnie. Anything including magic causes Bonnie to jump in and head it face on and I just don't want her to get hurt." Elena said with a concerned look in her eyes. Stefan let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders before saying "I told Damon to keep an eye on her and he's with her now, I know that he will not be letting her out of his sight, so it would be difficult for her to do anything reckless."

"Do you think Damon cares about Bonnie more than a friend? I've seen him act differently around her than he does with anyone else." Elena said with curious eyes. 

"I think they definitely have a special connection that neither of them are aware of yet, he shows that he cares about her, but he won't admit it to me of course, unless I trick him into it, which has crossed my mind a couple of times if im being completely honest." Stefan said confidently with a smirk across his face. 

"That's nice to hear actually, I'm glad Bonnie will always have someone to protect her no matter what and he seems to be able to persuade her more than I can, even though we've been friends for years, so yeah, they must have something pretty special." Elena said happily as she smiled softly at Stefan.

They sat quietly on a giant log in the woods, just taking in the scenery before having to head back into town. The woods were quiet, almost too quiet as if the world around them was standing still for a few moments.  There wasn't even a bird chirping or a leave rustling, it was just dead silence. Suddenly there was the sound of soft footsteps approaching Stefan and Elena, they both looked up in shock as they faced someone they thought they would never see again... 

Author's Note:

Hi friends! I'm so glad I finally got some time to update and I really hope you are liking the story so far! Do you guys think that Damon and Bonnie will become something more than close friends? Who can guess who just showed up in the woods? I would love to hear what you guys think in the comments! Thanks so much for reading, I'll be updating the next part soon, but I'd like to hear your predictions first! :) 

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