LIALG - Chapter 22

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A dull throbbing in my head was noted before my eyes even opened. I kept them closed for a few moments after my waking, reluctant to meet reality once I remembered the events that led to my unconsciousness. When I finally allowed my eyes to open, they were happily greeted by a comforting dim lighting. With my dragon vision, it took me all of two seconds to realize I was in the infirmary, and I was not alone.

"How are you feeling?" Fairy Godmother inquired, wiping some crumbs off of her mouth with a handkerchief.

Curiosity got the best of me. I sat up, more so to see what she was eating then anything. It seemed that my friends had left me a plethora of baked goods and candy in lieu of flowers. I couldn't even be mad that the fairy was eating some of it; there was plenty to go around. "Hungry," I said without fully realizing it.

"I bet! You just stretched your stomach wider than it's ever been," she half-joked, hovering her finger over various snacks until I nodded my head, indicating I wanted some cupcakes.

The shimmering blue frosting and candy red hearts were dead giveaways that Evie made them. My mouth would probably be dyed blue from eating it, but I couldn't bring myself to give a fuck. "Thanks." We sat in silence for a few minutes, only the muffled munching of chocolate chip cookies could be heard. "I transformed, didn't I?" I guessed.

"You sure did. Turned yourself into a dragon and turned our local police department into rubble," she replied, reaching for a pitcher of water. There wasn't anger in her voice.

"Did I hurt anyone?" I was almost afraid to ask.

The fairy shook her head as she poured two glasses. "Things were dealt with swiftly," she said cryptically, not meeting my eyes.

I finally got the courage to ask what I really wanted to know as she handed me my glass. "How is Evie?"

"She's good as new," the woman replied, siting down on a chair next to my bed.

My nose wrinkled at the phrasing. No one was as good as new, not even kids. The world was too cruel a place.

"Your friend Uma insisted on helping. She's a wonderful healer, you know. Skilled beyond her years."

Yeah, she got plenty of practice on The Isle, I thought bitterly.

"I offered her a place in our magic curriculum. It's something you should consider, too," she mentioned.

My spine straightened and my ears perked at the words. "I have. It's something I want to do," I admitted, leaving out my desire for a different magic instructor.

She looked at me critically. "You've got the power," she started, pausing. "Now show me the heart."

I couldn't help but scoff. "Ask any of my close friends; I've got plenty of heart."

Her gaze didn't waver when she said "We found the boys responsible for poisoning Evie. Their common link was that they had all dated her at some point. Some of them didn't go to school here, but the ones that did have been expelled."

A bright green tint washed over the room, and I knew my eyes were glowing with anger. "I hope you're doing more than expelling them!" I growled.

"What do you think we should do?" she inquired, sitting unnaturally still.

"They tried to murder my best friend!" I shouted, getting even more upset. "They should rot in prison for the rest of their life!"

"And that is why you are not yet ready. Yes, these boys, who have been arrested, need to be punished for their actions. But they cannot be punished too harshly, or it will be an injustice to them and the ones that love them. They're all young. Their brains are not fully matured yet, and neither is yours at your age. This causes you to be impulsive and not fully realize the consequences of your actions."

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