Chapter 6: Lies in stone

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I'm not sure how long I ran for, but when I did stop, my legs felt like they were going to fall off. Slowing down a little I stumbled over a large root, my momentum sending my tumbling onto the bank of a small lake. After picking myself up out of the muck, my gazed locked with my own. I stared at my own reflection. The eyes staring back at me were my own, yet I could still feel like there was the slightest of green tints to them.

Backing up a bit, I rested my back against a large jungle tree, my legs tucked close to my chest as I looked back at my actions of the last couple days. The anger, the cruelty..... those weren't me.... no, they were me... just not the real me. Glancing down I looked at the cursed weapon, its taint emitted from it like an aura. With a narrowed brow, I pulled it out of it's holster and threw it into the mud in front of me. The splat it made scared off any natural wildlife that would have started to go  back to grazing after my tumble.

So there I sat for some time, looking down Thorn, it's sickly green accents glowing. Letting out a sigh, I went to go and grab it and make my way back to my friends when a familiar voice spoke.

Rezyl: "Are you sure it is wise to return to them?"

F/N: "Ah?!"

I yelped and shot forward, getting my already gunk covered armor and cloak more dirty as I combat rolled from where I was. My right hand shot to my back and pulled out Risk Runner from its mag mount. Looking at where I had once been seated, I saw the figure of Rezyl standing there. His armor and cloak still hid his face from me as he walked out from behind the tree I had been seated against.

Rezyl: "Easy there guardian, it's only me."

F/N: "H-how..... how are you here."

I said looking around, wondering if I had drifted off and was in some dreamscape. Rezyl just gestured to Thorn as if that made any sense.

Rezyl: "Because of your little 'Incident', the curse is getting weaker, becoming more..... cornered. Which has allowed me more freedom, like how I am speaking to you know."

F/N: ".....Then I should be able to go back now, if I tell them that-

Rezyl: "NO!"

He said, his voice sounding off for a second as he shook his head.

Rezyl: "Sorry, but no. If the curse within the weapon grows more desperate, it will try to control you, it could put your friends in danger."

His voice was calm as he spoke. My mind ran through what he said and it seemed right. Glancing down at Thorn, the whispers seemed to growl in angered spite at the treatment of the weapon. Sighing, I leaned down and picked it up, shaking it a bit to remove some of the mud before putting it into the holster on my hip. Still with my right hand holding Risk Runner, I look back at Rezyl and pose a question.

F/N: "So if I can't go back to them without fear of hurting them, then what do I do?"

Rezyl: "Why, continue your hunt of course."

F/N: "How? I lost track of them, I had my chance and I blew it......

Looking down, I felt myself being powerless. Though I felt as if a smile formed on Rezyl's lips as he spoke again.

Rezyl: "I have an idea. While entering the orbit of this world, your father's ship picked up signals coming from a landmass north of here. Mistral I believe you call it."

He said, though there seemed to be some venom in his voice when he mentioned my father.

F/N: "Wait? Did you ever talk with my father?"

Rezyl: "No, while his light is strong, it pales in comparison to yours. It didn't break through the fog that traps me in that cursed form."

He said before gesturing with his hand north.

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