Act 1: Spring Of The Dead

Start from the beginning

Takashi quickly turned around seeing his girlfriend walking up the steps towards them then watched as she stood there with her arms crossed and her blue eyes just glaring at Takagi who rolled her eyes at the girl.

"Grow up! Mopping because your little friend dumped you...stupid. You should be lucky you got any girl at all! It seems to be dumb luck your dating Ichika too." Takagi says before walking away.

Ichika sighed and looked at the stairs she walked up from and didn't look at Takashi, so he really wasn't over Rei yet. Usually, it didn't bother Ichika but when others saw it...there wasn't much of the feeling of wanting to talk anymore so when she made an attempt to leave Takashi quickly grabbed her hand.

"Ichika wait..." Takashi pleaded.
"Why? So I can hear about how you still love Rei?" Ichika asked.
"I know I said I was fine with it...but it still hurts..." Ichika adds.
"I'm sorry, I've been hurting you all this time and I haven't done anything about it..." Takashi frowns.

When Ichika didn't respond he gently tugged her towards him and soon brought her into his arms hugging her as he rested his chin on her head. Ichika took a moment before she slowly wrapped her arms around him hugging him back gripping his school uniform jacket.

After he kissed her forehead in comfort when they heard a noise at the front gates of the school when they both looked there was a man just continued to run himself into the closed gates of the school.

"Who is that? A trespasser?" Takashi asked.
"Who knows..." Ichika replied.

The couple then watched as some of the teachers arrived and tried to get the guy out of the area but when horrified the both of them watched as the creepy guy at the gates bit the arm of one of the teachers and watched as he fell to the ground in utter agony.

Takashi held Ichika more to him protectively as they both watched in horror as the teachers there started killing each other, which made Takashi back away a bit though took Ichika with him who hid her face in his chest.

"We gotta get out of here babe," Takashi says.
"Let's go!" Ichika replies.

Taking her hand in his Takashi ran off with her as they rushed back to the classroom when Takashi had forced the classroom door open suddenly the classroom went silent, the teacher, of course, scoffed at the two for skipping but they ignored him as Takashi forced Rei out of her seat as Hisashi stood up as well.

"Dude what are you doing?" Hisashi asked Takashi.
"People just got killed in the front gate," Ichika explains.
"No bullshit." Takashi defends her.
"Are you serious?" Hisashi asked Ichika.
"Yeah cause she's making shit like that up." Takashi scoffed.
"Jesus! What's going on, you two!? I can never understand-" Rei started but got interrupted.


Ichika's blue eyes widen as she just witnessed her boyfriend slaps Rei across the face, oh boy if that happened to her she'd kick Takashi's ass. After a few more words were exchanged Takashi, Ichika, Rei and Hisashi were running down the halls as the two explained what happened.

After they finally found the supply closet Hisashi handed over a bat to Takashi and broke off a broomstick for Rei, and for Ichika a different wooden bat. Rei told them they should call the police, her father. She tried but he didn't recognize her voice.

"What about your mother? She's in the military right?" Hisashi asked Ichika.
"She is...but I highly doubt she'll answer." Ichika frowns.
"Wouldn't she quickly answer if she knows about this?" Takashi asked.
"If Rei couldn't get to her father then how the hell do you expect me to get an answer from my own mother?" Ichika replies her expression showing just how worried she was about it.

Takashi hugged Ichika again as the guy in the announcements spoke up, later though things went silent and the next thing they heard was the guy shouting at someone and much later his dying screams then silence again.

That quickly created a panic among the students as screams from them were heard, Ichika gripped Takashi's shirt more which shocked him but when he looked at her he clearly saw the fear in her eyes. His brave and smart girlfriend was showing such fear in her eyes that he's never seen before.

"This way!" Hisashi says.
"Where are you going? We gotta get out of here!" Takashi tells him.
"The building is to crowd with students. We need to go through the management building." Hisashi tells him.
"Hisashi is right, shut up and do what he says." Rei glares.
"Then get your ass moving!" Ichika replies.

Ichika never did like how Rei would treat Takashi, so the 'friendship' between the two was not much of a friendship anyway. But without much of a choice, Takashi followed after those two dragging his girlfriend along with them.

Making it out they later ran into a well-known teacher and a fight broke out, when Hisashi went to help Rei by putting the undead teacher in a headlock Hisashi nearly got bit when Ichika bashed the teacher's head in with her bat.

"I...I killed...." Ichika said shocked.

Shaking beyond belief Ichika let the wooden bat fall to the ground under her as she stepped back in shock, while Rei checked on Hisashi, Takashi on the other hand checked up on his girlfriend as he held her in his arms as she shook in shock and nearly started having a panic attack.

"Shhh it's fine, you're gonna be fine," Takashi whispers to her rubbing one of her arms.
"B-But I killed someone..." Ichika forces out.
"Thanks for the save, Ichika," Hisashi says.
"Oh yeah...thanks..." Rei said after a few seconds.
"We can handle one of them but there's no way." Takashi states.
"The roof," Hisashi suggests.
"The roof?" Rei asks.
"If we go there...and barricade ourselves there..." Ichika's voice slowly getting back to normal.
"Let's go." Takashi agreed.

Ichika picked up her bat and held Takashi's hand with her free hand, at times on their way to the roof Takashi made sure to squeeze her hand a few times in constant comfort. When they did arrive at the roof the sight shocked them as they saw all that was happening around the school...there were lots of them already...

"Holy shit, it's happening everywhere!" Takashi pointed out.
"But everything was normal! Everything was fine a minute ago!" Rei shouts in shock.
"It's just like the movies and games I've seen..." Ichika whispers.

Just then a large military helicopter flew by and the force from it nearly pushed Ichika and Rei off the roof if it wasn't for their boyfriends grabbing ahold of them. Ichika quickly recognized them and noticed it was the military force her mother was in.

" mother is with those guys!" Ichika explains.
"Over here!" Rei shouts.
"Don't bother, that's the self-defence force," Hisashi tells her.
"What the hell mom...are you guys even doing anything about this...?" Ichika said closing her eyes and sighing.
"Ichika..." Takashi mutters.

Soon they were nearly surrounded by them so they quickly left the area to a better area of the school's roof.

                                                                      **Back To Present**

"Why...Why is this happening." Rei asked scared.
"There has to be a reason, maybe if we figure out what causes it we can stop it," Hisashi says.
"If the military and the government couldn't stop it...what makes you think we can?" Ichika asked.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Rei asked.
"Usually in the movies or games it turns out to be some form of virus either created by the government or it's something in the medical field that didn't watch over properly." Ichika sighs.
"What do you mean babe?" Takashi asked.
"Think about it. People get killed by these things when they get bit, then they return back to life and kill others. It spread so fast as a virus would..." Ichika explains.
"You think it's a deadly virus?" Hisashi asked.
"What more evidence do you need?" Ichika asked.

The four of them were up on the tallest part of the roof of the school and used chairs and tables to keep whatever zombies out there at bay for now. Ichika was sitting between Takashi's legs as his arms wrapped around her waist as she leaned back on him.

'On the day that everything came to an end, my best friend nearly got bitten and would've been killed if it wasn't for Ichika, and as I held that very girl that I loved in my arms in hopes to comfort her...I've realized that I did indeed move on. I loved Ichika.' - Takashi Komuro

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