I froze when I heard what he said next.

"We are looking for a Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

The students started whispering to each other, some of them looking where we usually sat, but most of them looked confused. Someone shouted over people's heads, "Who?"

I looked at Percy, panicked. Monsters? I mouthed to him. He looked at the men for a second, then grabbed my arm, pulling me into the crowd.

Of course. The best place to hide a penny is in a jar of pennies.

(A/N If you got the reference, then I applaud you. Okay, you may now carry on.)

It worked for a minute, up until someone recognized me.

"That's Annabeth Chase right there!" someone shouted, pointing at me. I think they were in one of my classes.

I cursed under my breath as the crowd split around us, giving the men a clear view of Percy and me. I glanced at Percy, and he looked back. I felt like a deer in headlights. We couldn't run or fight because of the crowd of students around us.

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase," the guy with the bow and arrows on his back started loudly, "You are under arrest until you can be brought in for questioning."

The students by us backed up, alarmed. Percy looked at the man who had just spoken and asked incredulously, "By three men in costumes?"

I almost expected some people to chuckle at his joke, but when nobody did, I looked around with my brow furrowed. We were missing something. Something that everyone other than us knew.

The guy with the bow raised his eyebrow. "You don't know who we are?"

When we didn't respond, he continued, "We're part of the Avengers?" Percy looked at me, confused. I shrugged at him.

"We saved the world a few times, remember?" Archer Guy said.

"My name is Thor Odinson, god of thunder." the man in a cape and battle armory said. Percy and I tensed and looked at each other, then back at him. Percy put his hand in his pocket, ready to grab riptide, and I put my hand to my side, ready to grab my dagger that was strapped to my calf.

3rd person extended Percy POV

Thor switched to greek, "Μην ανησυχείτε, είμαι Νορβηγός Θεός." [Translation: Don't worry, I'm a Norse god.]

"What are you doing here?" Percy asked him.

Thor responded, "When I saw that these two were coming, I decided to come. There needed to be a third member of this quest, anyway." Percy glanced at Annabeth. The Greek, the three on a quest; Thor knew about them.

"Μην ανησυχείς, δεν θέλω να σε πληγώσω. Έχω ακούσει για εσάς και τους φίλους σας." Thor said. [Translation: Don't worry, I don't wish to hurt you. I've heard of you and your friends.]

His voice turned apologetic, "Φοβάμαι όμως ότι αν θέλετε να παραμείνετε μυστικοί, θα πρέπει να σας πολεμήσω. Επειδή ξέρω ότι δεν έρχεστε χωρίς μάχη. Και πώς θα μπορούσα να εξηγήσω πώς γνωρίζω δύο γήινους εφήβους ούτως ή άλλως;" [Translation: But I'm afraid that if you wish to remain undercover, then I am going to have to fight you. Because I know you are not coming without a fight. And how would I explain how I know two earthly teenagers anyway?]

"Okay, what the heck just happened here?" the man with the bow and arrows asked, bewildered.

"I would also like to know." Patriotic Man said.

"Πώς ξέρουμε ότι μπορούμε να σας εμπιστευτούμε;" Percy called out to Thor. [Translation: How do we know we can trust you?]

"Υποθέτω ότι δεν μπορείς," Thor responded. [Translation: I guess you can't.]

"What do you say?" Percy whispered to Annabeth in Greek, "Do we trust him?"

"I don't think it matters either way. We still have to get out of here, and that probably means fighting the three of them." Annabeth whispered back, also in Greek.

Percy thought about it for a moment. "Do you still have those two mortal daggers in your backpack?"

At Annabeth's nod, he continued, "He said he was a god. That means I can get him with Riptide, and you can get the other two with the daggers. If you need any help, you can pass me one of the daggers, and if I need help, you can use your regular dagger."

Annabeth glanced at the three men again with a calculating gaze. At her nod, he turned back to the men. "We
aren't going anywhere with you! We haven't done anything!" Percy shouted to them, considering they were still a fair distance from them.

"You can come in peacefully for interrogation, or we can bring you in by force." Patriotic Man said back.

"Okay, I will answer that, but first, what are you guys' names? Or should I just keep calling you patriotic man and archer dude in my head?" Percy responded.

They looked at each other as if to say, "Why don't they know who we are?"

"My name is Clint." archer dude said.

"And my name is Steve." patriotic man said.

Percy frowned. "What is up with your organization sending people named Steve after us?"

Annabeth laughed. Percy looked at her. "It's a real question."

"So, what will it be?" Steve asked.

Percy looked back at Steve as he slid into a fighting stance and pulled out Riptide. He saw that Annabeth had done the same and had somehow gotten the daggers out of her bag without Percy noticing. "At your command, Captain," he said to Annabeth while keeping his eyes on the men.

"Now," Annabeth said.


Dedicated to @Solangelo4life0124 for adding this story to their reading list and commenting! Thank you!

1594 words.  

Love you guys! 

Stay safe, Legions!

Ryan out. *Salute*

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