I sigh at that. It's true, Joey always decides over the head of his workers. And his solutions don't always help the problem. I keep walking and sigh, as I come across a flooded stairwell. "Looks like the stairwell is flooded. If I'm going to get out of here, I'll need to find a way to drain it." this is just great. As I walk back to the room with Sammy's voice log, suddenly something pops out of the ink on the floor and... Attacks me? It actually kinda hurts and takes away a little of my vision again, blinding me slightly, with its ink. I hit them with my axe and they just disappear into ink again. I then walk into a room and see a pool table. Well, I didn't know that Sammy liked playing that. I ignore the table and walk out again, towards the Infirmary. There's a notice over the flooded stairwell.

Anyone found faking illness will be docked a full week's wage.
Not sick, not paid.

I mean it is kinda fair, but a full week of no payment? Joey, that's cruel. When I get to Sammy's office, there's a broken pipe. Of course there is. I look into his office window. "Well, there's the pump switch alright. But that's one hell of a leak blocking the door though. If I could just stop that from flowing, maybe I can get in." I feel annoyed, because of the fact that everything in this building seems to want to keep me here and make my escape harder. I look at the wall across from the leak and see another voice log.

Voice from
Wally Franks:

So, I go to get my dust pan from the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys! It's like they disappeared into thin air or something.

All I can think of, is that they must have fallen into one of the garbage cans, as I was making my rounds last week.

I just hope, no one tells Sammy. Because if he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm out of here.

Oh Wally. You and your always lost keys. Also, why did he put this in front of Sammy's office? As soon as I found the keys to the closet, I find yet another audio log. Man, there are many of those around.

Voice of
Sammy Lawrence:

Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter, you need only to know my favorite song:

The bass fiddle songs with deep articulation.
The drum thunders in triumph.
The banjo playfully plucks.
The violin shudders with a piercing voice.

Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you.

Now I am officially weirded out by Sammy. The words he chooses are so... Special, to say the least. But I write the instruments down in the correct order. Bass, fiddle, drum, banjo and violin. I then walk upstairs to a room with another projector and an audio log. Great.

Voice of
Norman Polk:

Every day the same strange thing happens. I'll be up here, in my booth, the band will be swinging and suddenly, Sammy Lawrence just comes marching in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells us all to wait in the hall.

Then I hear him. He starts up my projector, and he dashes  from the projector booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind.

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