Chapter Thirteen

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"It's so good to see you," Kathryn gushes as she pulls Regina into a loving hug, not even waiting to completely enter Regina's home.

"It's nice to see you too, Kathryn," she breathes out because as much as she tries to pretend she's a loner, Kathryn has always been a constant in her life, a supporter.

She extracts herself from her friend's embrace and then gestures for the blonde to enter. She closes her door and locks it while Kathryn removes her strappy sandals, which reminds Regina how long it's been since she dressed so...classy.

Six months after the accident and she is just now realizing that she was constantly hidden beneath power suits and intimidating high heels. It's the middle of June and as of lately, she has found herself in more relaxing attire, sexy, but more relaxed.

She glances down at her bare feet, her red nail polish contrasting against her olive-tone flesh. Her eyes trail up to her own white capris to the blue and white striped blouse that flows mid-thigh, okay, her style has changed a lot. However, she never really enjoyed the summertime, always locked away in her office or in court, she never really had an opportunity to have a style.

"You look good," Kathryn breathes out, her smile showing off every one of her perfectly straight teeth.

"You too. Come on in," she politely offers, leading the way into the living room. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Oh no, no. I'm fine. I have to meet Fred in an hour about a case, but when you called...well, I had to come see you."

"Oh, you didn't have to rush over. I just thought it would be nice to catch up," Regina acknowledges, taking a seat on one end of her couch while her friend claims the other end.

"I've missed you, so I had to sneak in some time for you." Regina nods in agreement, reaching toward the back of the couch to retrieve her throw blanket. "Are you cold? It's so hot outside today."

Regina involuntarily shivers, hating how after six long and grueling months, this house is still so cold without her husband. Maybe it's his ghost lingering and causing the frigid temperatures or maybe her soul is just so damn lonely.

"Just a habit," she vaguely answers, draping the blanket over her legs and not her entire body like she usually does. "So, how are you and Fredrick?"

"Do you mean, how is the business?" Kathryn skeptically inquires, but her tone is playful, despite the one eyebrow crawling up her forehead.

"Alright, fine. How is the business?"

"Wonderful. We are maintaining clientele and our numbers are equal to last year's. So, no, I haven't run your firm into the ground."

"Oh, I know that, Kathryn," she scoffs, waving off the insinuation. "I was simply curious." Kathryn hums in response, but she smiles coyly and decides not to push the subject. "What else is new with you? I haven't really spoken to you since I signed the papers."

"I know, but really...nothing. I've just been so busy with the firm, Fred and I both. We really don't have time for much, you know how it is."

And Regina remembers all too well how it was. The long hours, the cases that were so crucial, she swore her nights at the office were never-ending. How the hell did she and Naveen ever think that was okay? She wasted years chained to her office and now that she has been set free, she cannot fathom how she ever managed before.

"What about you? Tell me what you have been up to?" Kathryn excitedly asks, crossing her legs and leaning into the back of the couch to make herself more comfortable.

"Not much, truthfully."

"Please don't tell me you have been locked away in this house for six months?"

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