Chapter #19

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Hey guys and gals and non-binary pals sorry I haven't been posting look I have a life outside of Wattpad and it's been busy with holiday stuff and school stuff okay sure I'm sorry but I have other things I have to do anyway here is the part that hasn't posted I hope you enjoy

(Reader's pov)

"Hey guys this is wulf his a friend and Danielle my clone but she is my little sister "
Danny said and talks with Danielle and Wulf and didn't notice that his brother and the team looking at each other. Robin and Connor walk over to Danny

"Danny we have something to tell you about superman "-Rob

Robin then explains that superboy is actually Superman's clone and how superman treats conner like he doesn't want to be apart of conner's life. Danny was more than pissed off and wanted to have a little "chat " with superman.

The zeta tubes went off and announced the arrival of batman, manhunter, Wonderwomen, Black Canary, Green Arrow, and Superman. when the adult walked into the room to talk to Aqualad.

Danny walked over to the group of adults, his eyes were locked on one person and that person is Superman. robin and Connor tried to stop Danny by trying to talk him out of it. But he wasn't going to be stopped and phased through them and walked up to superman.

Everyone in the room was now looking directly at them to see what he was going to do

(Robin + Team)

*This is not going to end well for superman * - Everyone

they watched from afar not wanting to get in Danny's way after seeing how strong Danny was when he was under freakshow's control.

(Danny's P.O.V)

I walked passed everyone, angry at how superman has been treating Connor, connor is a good person and it's not his fault someone cloned superman.

I walked up to superman with rage and anger written all over my face. I noticed the team motioned the other adults to get away from us.
He looks at him annoyed and started asking him in a calm voice

"Why do you ignore Connor, superman?"- Danny

"I'm a constant reminder of what his not " - superman

"No your not your are a terrible father, either you like it or not Connor is your son"- Danny

"No his not he's just my clone his not my son"- superman

"Yes he is he has your dna you like or not he is YOUR son and you are not the only one who has been cloned"- Danny

"What? You don't know what your talking about"-superman

"Yes I do I was cloned too that little girl is my clone but unlike you I care for her and will do anything to keep her safe and happy"- Danny

"..." - superman

"Wow I can't believe I looked up to you as a kid"- Danny

I walked away from superman and walked out of the room annoyed at superman. He went to cool down and went back outside and sat on the beach.

((Reader's p.o.v))

Robin and the others saw the whole argument between Danny and superman. Then saw Danny left the room to cool off. Superman was still in shock as well as the members of the justice league.

Robin, Connor and Wally went to find Danny while the others went to do their own thing. They looked in every room of the cave and went outside to look for Danny.

They went to the beach and saw a small picture on the team along with signs of a struggle on the beach with what looks like a tranquilizer dart and some shoe prints leading to the parking lot. They followed and saw people putting Danny into a van and Driving away.

Will the team be able to save Danny? Will Danny be okay and will I have a decent update schedule? Find out next time I post. Bye guys,gals and nonbinary pals

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