tryouts and a new friend

Start from the beginning

For tryouts, they did passing drills, setting drills and defence drills. They were now hitting, Andi's favourite of course. She learned that Kate's a setter and she was just as good as Katherine, maybe better.

Andi was next to hit, so she did a quick three step approach and did what she does best, pounded the ball to the ground. Everybody, even the boys, cheered for her, seeing her spike.

"nice shot, Andi!" The coach called to her.

"thank you!" Andi called back.

She looked to their court to see that Jess had just hit a T-line. On the way back to each of their hitting line, they passed each other.

"impressive." Jess complimented.

"thanks, you too." Andi replied and the two parted ways.

"I told you to back off." Alannah reminded coldly.

"I'm not going for him, relax." Andi stated calmly. For the last twenty minutes, they played a scrimmage game with the boys who were trying out. Andi easily identified that Jess was going for a step around and she single handedly blocked his hit, earning the girls a point. Let's just say, Andi was really hyped with the fact that she just did that.

"did you just block me?" Jess asked from the other side of the net.

"were you not paying attention?" Andi answered.

He shrugged. "I was just surprised, that's all."

Andi scoffed. "okay." The rest of the scrimmage went by quickly and Andi was now taking her shoes and knee pads off. She then put her skirt back on over her spandex and made her way to the change room to change back into her polo. Once she did that, she stuffed the shirt into her bag, put her knit vest over it and made her way out of the gym.

    Andi was on the bus when somebody approached her. He was sort of tall with brown curly hair and freckles.

"can I sit here?" The boy motioned to the seat beside Andi's.

"uh- yeah of course." She nodded. With that, he sat beside her. He then noticed her uniform, so he decided to ask about it.

"Westwood Academy?" He asked, tilting his head. When he did that, Andi immediately thought of Elmer. It was a mannerism of his that she thought was the most adorable thing in the world. But only when he does it.

"yeah, do you go there too?" Andi answered, hoping that he did. He seemed nice and maybe she could have a friend without somebody being on her ass about them.

"I used to."

Andi turned her body towards him. "what was it like?" She wondered.

He chuckled. "I had a sort of crummy time. This one girl... Alannah I think? She scared the shit out of me and I'm two years older." He informed.

"Alannah? She talked to me earlier at tryouts. Told me to back off from a guy I met, I guess she thought I was going for him."

"typical of her."

"I mean, my first friend in London and someone's on my ass about him." Andi complained, throwing her hands up and letting them fall.

"you're new here?"

She shrugged. "sort of."

"have you seen the city yet?" He wondered. Andi took a moment to think. She spent a couple weeks in Manhattan in July and she and her mother went to France and Italy in August.

"no, I haven't." She responded.

"what's your name?" Again, he tilted his head.


"well Andi, you just made your second friend in London. I'm Harry." He smiled warmly. "so, you haven't seen the city yet?"

Andi shook her head. "nope."

"can I show you around?" Harry asked, making Andi smile.

"sure." The two hopped off of the bus at the next stop and started to walk around the city. Andi knew London would be all pretty and stuff, but she was still amazed. It's so much better in person than in pictures she's came across in the internet. Harry took her to his favourite places, the pretty places and showed her where she could get good food. And they talked... a lot. It was clear that Andi and Harry were gonna be great friends.

"so, you're telling me that you lived in New York, but you've only seen two broadway shows?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"hey, I'm a busy person!" Andi defended.

"doing what?"

"school and volleyball." She retorted and stuck her tongue out at him. (literally my life) She then thought of Race, who does that twenty four seven. Except that time when... well, you know the story.

Andi and Harry continued to talk and walk around the city until the sun started to set, so they decided it was time to go home. During the bus ride, they gave each other their numbers and added each other on snapchat. Coincidentally, they got off at the same stop, but their houses were different directions away.

"hey Harry," Andi started before they parted ways.


"thanks for taking me around the city, I had a good time." She smiled, making Harry smile as well.

"no problem." They then said goodbye and went back home. Andi groaned and flopped on her bed in tiredness. But she realized that she had some homework, so she groaned again and started it. As she did her work, she couldn't stop thinking about why Harry looked sort of familiar to her. She pulled out her phone and remembered that they hadn't followed each other on instagram, so searched up his name on instagram.

"wow, that's a lot of followers." She mumbled to herself. She then scrolled down on his feed when she saw a picture that made her realize why he looked familiar to her. Andi just made friends with Harry Holland. As in one of Tom Holland's younger brothers.

okok originally i wasn't gonna plug in the Hollands but like,,,, im way too lazy to find a face claim woohoo

andi takes on london (half sequel)Where stories live. Discover now