Takeshi sighed in defeat, and we set sail I trained with Shanks to pass the time and it took a week to get to the place.

Shanks stayed on the ship, and we snuck to the back of the prison there are ledges on the side of the building, so we decided to jump up and pull ourselves up dad had mum on his shoulder with Yuto on his other one, so he could take them up.

"Summon Fauna" I pressed my hand against the wall "Can you check up ahead?"

"Yeah!" She flew up and looked around "Nothing suspicious but there's no opening for you to get through."

We got halfway up and we saw we couldn't go up anymore "What should we do?" Takeshi asked.

I punched a hole in the wall "I found a way in" I pointed out.

"Yep, definitely her father's child" I heard mum giggle and Fauna flew in straight away then back out even faster and hid in my hood.

Lukia glared at her because she's hiding in her tail "I can eat you."

"I rather you eat me! Wait I mean no!" She yelled.

"Over there!" Some Marines came after us once we got in.

"Let's go!" I yelled, and we ran to the first set of stairs we saw and once we got into the hallways the prisoners around us shouted at us to let them out.

We got stopped by a blind man with a purple kimono "Stop there" He demanded and held his cane up.

"Its a sword," I informed the others as I could see how he was holding it just like Zoro does sometimes.

"You have good eyes" He complimented me.

"You must have good senses" I guessed.

"Lily you can handle this we will go ahead" Dad grinned at me with confidence and I nodded.

Everyone else ran ahead and the man unsheathed his sword in under a second and tried to go at them. I coated my hand with haki and blocked it but it was hard to do this guy has some amazing strength.

"Go!" I shouted at Takeshi he ran on with them and soon I couldn't hear them anymore.

"Your strong tell me your name" He demanded as he stepped back.

"Lily you?" I asked.

"Fujitora" He answered.

We didn't say anything else I know I can't beat this guy, so I used all my strength in my leg and broke the ground making the walls crack and crumble all around us messing up his sense.

I made sure to not make no sound as I ran off and escaped him.

I just followed the path of knocked out marines and I then after I ran into another marine this time not as powerful as the one before "Your power is annoying!" I yelled at him as I punched smoke again.

"Not my fault you stupid pirate" He tried to insult me.

"Smoker-san!" A girl with glasses shouted out to him.

"So your power is smoke and you smoke and your name is Smoker that all just screams ironic," I told him, and he shook his head with eyes closed so I used that opportunity to use haki in my punch and aimed it at his stomach surprising him.

"Haki!" He grunted in pain.

I ran ahead, and they didn't come after me I got to the top of the prison and found the others talking to a small old man "Can you stop going off without telling anyone! We got attacked by marines and our people were panicking without you!" Yuto scolded him.

"Is that my granddaughter!?" He looked at me and completely ignored Yuto making him groan.

I walked up to him "Hello" I greeted him and helped dad break the chains keeping him in place.

Once he was out he started poking my arm muscles "You could be quite powerful I should train you" He grinned.

"Stop running off and you can," Dad told him.

"You ran off to be a pirate" Ichirou kicked him in the shin and dad fell to the side in pain.

I was quite shocked he could do so much damage "I'm a pirate" I informed him.

He just stared at me "That's nice" He smiled at me.

"I give up" Dad sighed.

"Grandad, how did you end up here?" Yuto asked.

"I fell asleep and woke up here I was having a nice talk with a man named Fujitora so I decided to stay for a bit" Grandad explained.

"Well let's go home" Mum added.

We heard marines running up the stairs and stopped once they saw us "Lukia how big can you grow in size?" I asked.

"I never tried before it catches the attention of other people" Lukia informed me and she got out of my hood and started growing in size scaring the marines.

We all got onto her back "Hope to see you again Fujitora, Smokey" I waved at them from Lukia's head.

Fujitora was looking wondering what the hell was going on and Smoker didn't seem to the nickname.

"The ceiling" Yuto pointed up and me and dad destroyed the ceiling and we escaped.

Lukia went down quick making someone scream high pitch we all looked to Yuto "Shove it!" He glared at us.

"We got him!" I shouted down to Shanks and the others.

They cheered happily and got ready to sail back I noticed grandad looking down at Lukia then at me "Can you command any animal?"

"Yeah" I answered.

"I see you do have the power of the ancient weapon Artemis" He grinned.

"HUH!!?" I yelled with my brothers.

"You didn't tell them?" He asked dad.

"I forget" He laughed.

"Forget?" Yuto asked, "How?!"

"I see well its a power that has been in your mother's side of the family for many years but even very powerful nijimes are weak bodywise that's why they make friends with animals to help protect themselves and the island" Grandad explained.

"So what exactly is the power?" Yuto asked.

"Nijimes can command animals but they usually only have one race they are affinity with like your mother her affinity is with dragons the most powerful one while Lily can command any land or air animal it's a very dangerous power so you need to know that you can kill many people and destroy islands with this power," He told me sternly but I couldn't take him to seriously cause he was pulling my cheek.

I looked to dad confused "He did that when you were still around" He explained then got his cheeks pulled by grandad he just glared at him.

"It isn't a power I should much right?" I asked and grandad nodded.

"You have probably been using it unconsciously so far and it's best you don't use it at all or at least not in front of other people because if the marines find out you will become a very big target" He explained.

"Is it the reason animals always like me?" I asked.

"Some of it is animals like the nijime race and narens even more they are attracted to your power with your eyes and your strength so they will gather around you, you may not see them but there are mythical beasts in the sky that will follow you for a while and would attack on your order" Grandad grinned that explains about what happened at Marineford.

We looked up to see a little bit of a tail in the sky.

"The name given to the people with the power are called the Queen of the dragons" Dad added.

"That sounds cool" I commented, "I promise I will only use the power if I need to."

"Good now time for me to tell you some stories about your dad when he was little" He grinned.

"Wait don't!" Dad yelled but it was already too late grandad has started and it was some quite embarrassing stories.

My Idiot // Luffy x ocWhere stories live. Discover now