Chapter 2

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Before we get into this I would like to say sorry for this coming a few days

Naruto pov: why are they calling me a demon I'm not a demon I'm the scroll and kurama is kunai not the other way round I wasn't the one who attacked the village I was the one who saved the village but civilians are to stupid to understand that. Kurama:sorry kit I wish I was able to stop madara from controlling me that night . Naruto: Its fine Kurama while naruto was in his mindscape he was being slashed with kunai and stabbed with shuriken
Naruto then left his mindscape and he saw a man who looked to be around 19-20 white hair and he wore a mask and covered his eye with his leaf headband (yes it's kakashi) the man said hey are you alright kiddo I was gonna take you to the hospital but it seems you've already been healed .Naruto:yeah don't you know I'm the demon fox aren't you mad at me don't you wanna kill me .kakashi : I know you have the damn fox and all the other tailed beast inside of you but yet you still allow these villagers to push you around how about this I will train you so you can be able to defend yourself against these people Naruto: YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES.Kakashi: ok clam down your training starts tomorrow meet me at the uzumaki compound by 7. Naruto: ok Kakashi :for now I'll treat you to ramen and you can go home and I'll protect u till the village goes to sleep and then u can sleep.
Next day :Naruto wakes up by 6:20 and he eats some ramen and goes to the uzumaki compound he then sees kakashi there and says hi he asks kakashi how there going to get in and kakashi says that naruto needs to bite his finger and put some blood on the door Naruto then does so and it works kakashi then explains to him about his bloodline and how since he is uzumaki he owns this entire compound Naruto is surprised but also angry at the third hokage for making him live at that trashy apartment when he could be staying in this utopia. Kakashi then stops Naruto in his thoughts he then hands Naruto a piece of paper and tells Naruto to pump some chakra into it Naruto then does so and then the paper cuts into seven pieces (wind)one piece crumbles(earth) one piece wrinkles(Lightning) one piece gets damp(water) and one piece catches on fire (fire) then one piece gets enveloped in darkness(darkness) and one piece starts shining so bright that it's almost blinding (light) kakashi is shocked and says to Naruto Kakashi:Well Naruto it seems to me that you have seven chakra natures two of which I have never seen I can teach you a bunch of jutsu for all the five that I know of which are fire water earth lightning and wind ok kakashi sensei but first Naruto you need to learn taijutsu ok sensei
Kakashi then spends four months teaching Naruto about taijutsu and now Naruto is strong enough to defeat the third hokage in a taijutsu battle kakashi then tells Naruto to use two months to practice his ninjutsu for wind style he gives Naruto: Wind release: Cast net Wind release:Great breakthrough Wind release:Gale palm Wind release sand buck shot
Wind release:rotating shuriken Dust wind technique Sickle weasel technique wind style: beast tearing gale palm wind release blade of wind . Wind release : wind bullet Wind style: swift wind wall. Wind release: vacuum great spear, wind release: great task of the dragon ,
Wind style: wind dragon wind style:wind tornado, wind style: wind arrow. Wind style : 1 million cuts of death( made up it will cut an opponent very deep a million times causing them to die of blood loss and pain)
For water kakashi gives him:
Water Clone Jutsu.
Water Prison Jutsu.
Water Prison Shark Dance Jutsu.
Water Style: Black Rain Jutsu.
Water Style: Demon Fish Wave Crash.
Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave.
Water Style: Five Hungry Sharks.
Water Style: Furious Current Jutsu.
Water Style:Raging waves
Water Style:Ripping torrent
Water Style:Water shark bomb jutsu
Water style:Water wall
Water clone jutsu
Water style: Giant vortex jutsu
Water style:Syrup trap
Water Style: Violent bubble wave
Water Style: Water Dragon jutsu
Water Style: water whip jutsu
Water Style: water ski(I made this up. With this jutsu naruto can create a block of water that glides across water so that he won't have to run this also takes up very little chakra.)
Kakashi doesn't know many fire jutsu so he gives Naruto what he knows which are :

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb.
Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu.
Fire Style: Fire Breath Jutsu.
Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bomb.
Fire Style: Burning Ash.
Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.
Fire Style: Firing Biscuit Jutsu.
Fire Style: Flame Bombs.
Fire Style :Phoenix flower Jutsu
Fire Style:Searing Migrane
Fire Style:Celestial Prison
Exploding Flame Shot
Fire Style: Fire Dagger(it's basically just 300 Daggers mad of purely fire and chakra and they will shoot at you (also a made up jutsu))
For earth kakashi gives him:

Earth Style: Bedrock Coffin.
Earth Style: Dark Swamp.
Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb.
Earth Style: Earth Pillar Prison.
Earth Style: Earth Rampart.
Earth Style: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu.
Earth Style: Great Mud River.
Earth Style: Mud Wall.
Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
(Naruto will not use earth jutsu very much as he doesn't like dirt in this)
For lighting kakashi gives Naruto:
Flying thunder god
Storm(a jutsu that basically just shoots down a bunch of lightning that follows the caster everywhere that go until the caster stops it, The caster can also choose who gets zapped by the lightning and who doesn't good for traveling in teams)
Lightning release rasengan (it's basically vanishing rasengan but more powerful than boruto )
Thunder ball jutsu
One thousand heavenly spears
Stinging technique
Lightning Style:Lightning bolt
High compression rasengan
That's all
Naruto also manages to develop his own taijutsu style called bijuu style which is based on chakra and dominance

Notice :Next chapter Naruto is meeting Matatabi

Thanks for reading this chapter the next will come out soon

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