25 - A Confession Overdue

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Hey folks! It's me, ya peep!

I just wanted to say that y'all should check out a Herobrine X Reader fic titled The Calling, written by AllyC45

Their writing is hella good and the characters are *chef's kiss* magnifique! If y'all like this book, you should definitely check out theirs!


"Remind me again why you have a farm just for beets when they're such a bad food source?" Johnny asked, yanking up a small cluster of beetroots.

"Sometimes I use them for dyes," I replied. "Maybe the odd stew now and again - but mostly I use them for compost so I can keep my other crops going."

Johnny nodded as he dropped another bunch into the sack beside him. "That should be the last of 'em."

"Looks like it." I stood up, hoisting my bag of beetroots over my shoulder. "Come on, let's get these to the shack - I don't know about you, but I can't be bothered to do any more with beetroots today."

I nudged open the door of the small storage shed with the toe of my shoe, dropping the bag inside before taking Johnny's and throwing it in, too.

The sun began to lower itself onto the horizon, and I found myself watching it. Had it really only been a week since the ordeal with the Wither Storm finally came to an end?

I shook my head; it was over now, no point in dwelling over it. Making sure the door was closed behind me, I followed Johnny back up to the house.

(D/N) came bounding up to me, leaping up and knocking me over.

"Down, boy!" I giggled, pushing the lump of a dog back. As I sat up, I saw how his white fur was caked in mud and soot. "You are absolutely filthy, where did you even go to get this dirty?"

"Have you seen yourself?" Herobrine remarked as he walked up to us. "Both of you look like you just crawled out of a mudpool."

"At least we didn't set anythin' on fire," chuckled Johnny as he continued down the path towards his own little house.

A moment's silence passed as Herobrine and I entered the kitchen.

"How would he know if I set anything on fire? I didn't anyways."

I gestured outside, where the dragon was attempting to uproot the smouldering tree stump. "We saw that - when you were building Draig's shelter," I said.

"Ah. Well, that's not embarrassing at all."

I grinned, moving over to the basin and splashing the cold water over my face and arms to get the worst of the mud off. When I finished, I began walking to the stairs.

"Alright, fire hazard - I'm heading up."

"Oh, and by the way, (Y/N)," he called after me, "you still owe us that explanation."

"I'll do it tomorrow, after we've finished for the day."

"I certainly look forward to it."

So, the next day, we did exactly that. Johnny and I finished up early on the farm, while Herobrine was back off on some "secret project" (he wouldn't say what, but he'd been working on it since we got back). By mid-afternoon, we were all sat around the kitchen table as I explained what happened during the Wither Storm fight. They seemed to take it well.


"Am I allowed to take the blindfold off yet?" I asked as Herobrine helped me down off the horse.

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