The Second Trimester

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4 Months

Baekhyun's addiction to the sweet pickles is uncontrollable.

He's not a fan of cucumber since he doesn't like the smell, but now he literally drools over it, especially when it was pickled. He loves eating it with almost anything: he eats with his rice, crackers, sprinkle over the cheese, or even eats it as is with a glass of milk, and it grosses Chanyeol out that he felt nauseous every time he watches Baekhyun pigging out.

It amazes Chanyeol how the pregnant male can consume almost everything in the fridge yet the said male seems not gaining so much weight. So Chanyeol wants to make sure that the freeloader (as what he would like to call Baekhyun) under his charge is really complying with his appointment with the OB, and calls Jongdae to clear an hour or two of his schedule so he can accompany Baekhyun on his next prenatal visit.

"Ooh~ so you're concern now for him?"

"I'm concern about the kid?"

"Whose kid? The kid itself or the mother of the kid?"

"Will you stop it, hyung!" Chanyeol half scream-half whisper since the said mother of his child was currently on his siesta in the living room's couch. "I'm just wondering why he's not gaining weight when he scoffed almost the entire fridge."

"So you're really concern about him."

"I said I'm not so stop it already!" Chanyeol said, frustrated. He can even hear his manager's smirk on the line.


To sit inside a celebrity's van was already overwhelming, so how much more when the celebrity himself accompanies you to your monthly check-up?

"How do you feel right now, Baekhyun?" His OB, Dr. Zhang Yixing, asks.

I'm feeling stuffy that I find it hard to breathe!  Beakhyun thought. "I'm- I'm fine... I guess?"

"You guess? Why is that?"

Baekhyun kept mum, only side glancing at the guy beside him, armed withsnapback, RayBan, and face mask, as his arms crossed against his chest, every now and then. And it didn't miss Dr. Zhang's keen observation.

"Umm... can you remove those things on your face, Mister? I think my patient feels anxious with your terrorist-like stance." Dr. Zhang said, making Baekhyun felt relax when Chanyeol complies with the doctor's request.

After a few questions regarding Baekhyun's condition, he was now ushered to another room and ask to lay down on the bed for the ultrasound.

"Alright, let's see how's your baby doing." Dr. Zhang prod the tip of the doppler and from the monitor, they can see that the fetus somehow wriggles away from the blunt object that was slightly pushed against Baekhyun's tummy.

"I see your baby is active." Dr. Zhang said as a smile grace on his lips. "I wonder where did your baby inherit its good reflex?"He asks as he eyes the two soon-to-be parents.

Before the two were dismissed, Dr. Zhang advice them about what to expect during the second trimester of the pregnancy, what diet is advisable, and not to forget to take his supplements.

Once done, Chanyeol puts back his disguise and waits for Baekhyun in the van.

"Is your husband always like that?" Dr. Zhang asks.

"Umm... he's... we're not..."

"Oh... okay. Well, just take care of yourself, alright? Your's and your baby's health are more important. See you on your next schedule, okay?" He then bid Baekhyun goodbye.

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