Chapter 1: Remembrances

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Hello. If you're reading this, thanks. This is my first story and there might be quite a few mistakes. This chapter's actually more of a prolougue or introduction than a chapter, just a bit of a warning. Also I don't own Among Us, Innersloth and Puffballsunited get the credit.

Welp, start reading I guess.

'So how did it all begin? The thing with the- the.... What do you call them?'


'Okay, so how did it begin?'

'Well for some it began on MIRA's flagship-'

'You mean The Skeld?'

'Yes, can I continue now?'

'All right.'

'As I was saying, for the others it began on The Skeld. Well, for me it began like a usual day. You know, working at HQ.'

'Keep going Danny.'

'I was preparing for work then, I was staring at the mirror wondering whether I would get a promotion. And then, it happened.' Danny said.


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'What happened?'

'The call.'

'What call?'

'You know what I mean.'

'No I don't'

'MIRA called and said that I was legible to work as part of the Skeld crew.'


'It's not as fun as it sounds. Anyway, I was on my way to HQ and I had a feeling, a feeling that something was gonna go wrong. But I shrugged it off. The job opportunity was too important.'

'Go on....'

'Well I got there, my boss said that I was gonna work as a technician and that he was going to introduce me to the rest of the crew when their dropship came in. We headed to the launchpad, the dropship landed and the door opened, it made a creepy sound, kinda like some groaning.'


'Well, I met the crew.'

Annndddd you've made it to the end of the chapter. Congratulations if you didn't get bored with all the dialogue, and if it's a bit short, I got impatient and I really wanted to publish it. Well then I guess, Cya! *leaves*

*runs back to keyboard* Wait, I forgot to  warn you that you'll be meeting some of the other main characters in the next chapter. And that the method of storytelling's gonna change a bit, less interruptions from whoever the guy interrogating Danny is. Welp, cya!

P.S. The dropship door sound is actually the role reveal screen sound, ya know, the screen that tells you whether you're an Impostor or a Crewmate. Hehe.

P.S. again: credit to among us avatar maker where I made Danny's character pic.

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