USJ Showdown

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(Attempted to draw their own top pic, gimme some feedback)

[The USJ day]

Present Mic was currently teaching english, it felt like it's been an eternity since they have done this, well, except Izuku, he knows how it felt being taught that felt like a year. Then the sound of the school bell rang through the halls.

Present Mic: Well that's the bell! Make sure to pass your assignments tomorrow little listeners!  

Then Mic left the classroom letting the class do what ever they want in the mean time. Everyone was just vibing around then the door opened revealing Aizawa in his sleeping bag, he got out of said sleeping bag and went towards them. 

Aizawa: Alright, quite down, we'll be going to a hidden location for your training and rescue and whatever. *pushes a button and their costumes came out* Grab your costumes and go to the bus.

~Time Skip~

Everyone was on the bus towards the USJ, Izuku was sitting with Momo and Tsu beside him, the ride was just Momo and Izuku blushing because they were near each other, until Tsu broke the silence.

Tsu: Hey Midoriya-san?

Izuku: *quickly looks at her confused* Hm?

Tsu: I usually say on what's my mind and that means me being blunt but *puts a finger on her chin* how did you manage to get a strong quirk like that?

Izuku: I actually was trained mercilessly with any breaks what so ever, that's why it's so strong.

Kirishima: Bro that's so manly!! I wish my quirk was like that rather than a dull hardening quirk.

Izuku: Don't be sad Kirishima, your quirk is pretty good, you can use it for both offense and defense!

Kirishima: Thanks bro! *wipes a fake tear* So manly!

Aizawa: Alright Brats, were here!

They went out of the bus to see a big dome with the letters "USJ" engraved on it in a flashy yellow color, and they could see 13 at the entrance.

13: Welcome to the USJ!-

Uraraka: OMG IT'S 13 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE MY IDOL!! I HAVE YOUR MERCH IN MY ROOM!! *insert more fangirling*

While Uraraka was fangirling over 13, a crow flew and landed in front of Izuku, everyone was confused, until a flock of crows came near the crow that landed and they spiraled until they transformed into Ushina.

Ushina: Sup.

Everyone was either was in awe and complementing how cool was that, or shocked that he did that without a sweat, then Ushina went up to Izuku and spoke to him through mind.

Ushina: 'Midoriya, there will be a attack once you enter the USJ, be prepared, when you see a big giant bird thing, use fire skills'

Izuku: 'Got it'

13: Alright, shall we head inside the USJ!

Everyone: Universal Studios Japan?

13: No your wrong, it stands for "Unforeseen Simulation Joint", it's where you will train your rescue capabilities, it's one of the core parts of a hero after all! Now's lets go inside.

When they entered the USJ, 13 was talking about her quirk and how it was dangerous, but defied all odds by becoming a hero. Everyone was in awe, but Aizawa, Ushina, Izuku noticed a purple portal appeared in the center. Then villains came out of it, but a light blue-haired man covered with hands and a black bird thing came out of it that peaked the three's intrests, no one else noticed until Kaminari spoke.

Kaminari: Woah! You guys even have fake villains!

Aizawa: Those aren't fake! They're real!

???: We are the League of Villains and we are here to kill All Might!

Ushina: Midoriya get ready! All of you evacuate the area and escape and call for help. Me, Midoriya, and Eraser can handle them.

Izuku: Yeah!

Aizawa: 13! Get the students to safety... I would say "Midoirya go with your classmates" but since your friend insisted, let's go!

Izuku: Right!

(Play this until i say it ends)

The 3 jumped down and started to fight the villains, Ushina pulled out two guns and started to shoot at the villains, same for Izuku. Aizawa on the other hand was fighting villains with his scarf. Then the purple mist villain tried to go to Izuku's classmates.

Ushina: Oh no you don't! Come forth! Killotten! Megidolaon!

Then a being came out and it aimed it's gun at the mist, then it fired a bullet at the villain, when it hit the villain, it exploded releasing a large shockwave. The handy villain (get it) was scratching its neck vigorously like it lost it's most valuable member.


Then the "nomu" charged at them, but Izuku and Ushina noticed and they both used they're personas....... Well Izuku summoned Orpheus Picaro and used Agidyne at it, while Ushina used a special custom move for Killotten called "Black Storm". The Red and black fire engulfed the monster and slowly but surely, it melted to a pile of goop, as the nomu melted, the hand villain was enraged by this.


Izuku: Jesus christ call down, Switch! Kaguya! Shining Arrows

Then a bunch of arrows made of light rained upon down the rest of the villains except the blue haired guy, it hit the villains and damaged them till they couldn't move, paralyzed, but not dead. Then the heroes arrived with 1-A 


AM: FEAR NOT BECAUSE I AM HERE! *notices that every villain is knocked out* What happened here?

Izuku: We fought every villain here, also there was this "Nomu" that was designed to kill you.

They captured every villain there possible including the blue-haired villain. Izuku and Ushina explain to the police what happened while 1-A was getting help, and they weren't fined anything, because thanks to Ushina being the literal god of dimensions, he also secretly controls the government. After that, they took the villains to interrogation so they can milk them of their information so they can try to find All Might's Nemesis, All For One (Yes they know that he is alive). Until something unexpected happened.....




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