XLVIII: No Change

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Yoongi stiffened at his spot and his eyes seemed to blink a lot more frequently in their sockets

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Yoongi stiffened at his spot and his eyes seemed to blink a lot more frequently in their sockets. There was a wave of horror in his orbs that was yet undiscovered.

Was he hiding something? Something which we are supposed to know?

"Well I do go out sometimes to run errands," he finally answered after a long-awaited couple of minutes.

Taehyung bit his lip and watched the bot for a while but finally gave up. "Yeah maybe. That might be a reason," however he seemed pretty hesitant and unsure about the said fact still
he tried to accept it.

Well well, what can he do. He has no proof. Yoongi twiddled his fingers as humans do when under some stress.

I asked, "Yoongi are you alright? You look tensed. Anything serious?"

"No nothing. Let's go. It's getting late," saying so Yoongi scooted to the car.

I sighed and turned to face Taehyung for the last bid.

"Bye Taehyung-ssi. Good night."

He pinched my cheek, "Good night baby."

All along the way, I tried to assemble the things together - the possibilities and the impossibles. Why would uncle stalk me that too when Taehyung is around me? He trusts Taehyung. I know he does. Then why this indiscrimination?


A few minutes later, the engine of the car come to a halt. I clicked out and commenced to the doorstep. Yoongi joined me a moment later as I typed in the code.

"There you are. How was the date?"

I threw my purse on the sofa and plopped down, "It wasn't really a date you see. It was more of a tea party."

Uncle looked baffled so I started explaining, "Well he just wanted to stabilize his thoughts for labelling our relationship. We spoke to his mother and she actually gave us her consent."

My lips extended for a smile.

"Wow, so any plans for when you want to get married?"

"Mmm not really," I pressed my lips, "We don't have anything in mind yet."

Yoongi felt disgusted at our talks as expected. So he stomped away on his own. I noted the sense of burning
fire in the way he shifted his body hastily. He has been behaving differently since the past few days like he loses his temper a bit too quick that too for something silly.

I sat up formally as I leaned in to ask, "Uncle, you trust Taehyung right?"

He stared at my questioning visage. "Of course. He's your fiancé."

"Then why-"

"Honey dinner is ready!" Aunt shouted out from the kitchen. Uncle folded back the magazine and attempted to take off his glasses. "We'll continue this later okay? I'm starving. And yeah I trust Taehyung just the way I do to you."

"It's fine. You can go ahead - I'll join you after a fresh up." I flashed a beam as he caressed my hair and left.

I don't see why he would ask Yoongi to put that device in my purse. Then did Yoongi make it up by himself?


"The pork strips are delicious. Eomma I want some more," Taepung declared, crunching a port strip in his muzzle,
as he closed his eyes and savoured the moment.

I sat on his side, drawing circles on my plate with the spoon.

Something was eating me from the inside. That shooed away my hunger too.

"Raehee why don't you eat anything? Your plate looks just the same as served," aunt said while scrutinising me with a worried look.

"Are you again starving yourself?" granny poked.

I placed my indifferent eyes at the ladies. "No, I'm absolutely fit and sound. It's just that I'm not hungry."

"Hey try these. It's really amazing," Taepung placed bulgogi on my untouched dish.

I returned it to him. "You have it. I know you love it a lot. I'll finish what I'm given," I assured and munched a
port strip from my plate.

Mmm, it was actually tasty. Hats off aunt Yeoreum. The yummy juicy pork shook apart my bothering thoughts, to some extent.

"Did you clean that dirt properly from the floor? God knows how it appeared all of a sudden." I heard earshots of aunt's talk to Euntak.

I raised my visions from the table to aunt who was busy whispering over to the servant standing by the kitchen cabinet.

My gums were busy chewing the food. I gulped down the bolus and asked, "What dirt aunt? What floor are you talking about?"

"Err the corridor floor. I don't know where from those mud stains came up," she exposed in a disgusting tone.

Mud stains in the corridors? Strange.

"But aunt I didn't see any of them," I cocked an eyebrow.

Aunt rested on her chin, "Euntak must have finished mopping before your dreamy skull awakened." She put in a fork full of steak and her cheeks bulged out, waving with the rhythm of squishing the meat.

I made a puppy face and continued eating.

"Poor boy. I feel pity for him," uncle uttered under his breath in my opposite.

"Pity whom uncle?" I interrogated, my hands working on the steak with a knife and fork.

Talkative parrot indeed. Taehyung was right.

"Shin Beomgyu," he spelt with a sarcastic coordination.

Wait I heard this name before. He's another popular creator. Now, what's up with him?

"Why?" My curious vocal hardened in a minute.

"He also became a victim of that unknown face spoiler."

"Another victim? What happened to his features?"

"Uh, some expired toxic chemicals were sprinkled on him. His face is in a pretty rough condition now as per the news."

He took a bite of the pork belly that he was holding.

I didn't go through much news updates this week so yeah it was a little shocking since I thought that the criminal wished to stop by now. However, I was proved incorrect. The person was definitely not willing to pause right at this minute.

Heyo lovelies!! Here's the next part yeah? Enjoying? Hehe love ya!

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