Chapter 3

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"Rosie, wait up!" Zachary called out, running.

She stopped, but couldn't bear to turn around and face him.

"Hey, thanks for waiting."

"No problem." she managed to squeak out.

"That professor was such a jerk, he had no right preventing you from leaving like that."

Rose shrugged. It made sense, she could easily cheat but doing that, but honestly, did she look like she was faking?

"So umm, do you wanna talk?" Zachary asked her, kicking a small pebble on the sidewalk with his sneakers.

Rose didn't answer right away, just looked down at her black boots shiny and wet from her accident earlier.

"I, uh, kinda wanna just get home to change, you know."

"Oh, yeah, totally understand." Zachary replied, his cheeks pink with embarrassment.

Rose ran as fast as she could until she got to their front porch, panting and out of breath. She took out her key from her backpack and opened the door. Mia was there, slurping down a fruit smoothie.

"Hey, how was the french...oh"

Rose slammed her backpack down and ran to her room. She tore off her jeans and panties, and threw them as hard as she could in her laundry bin. She only managed to squeeze on a fresh pair of panties before collapsing to the ground, sobbing. The full reality of what just happened finally sunk in. I just wet myself, in front of everybody. And even if they all don't know, Zachary does, and now I have to avoid someone who I live with.

"I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself!' she sobbed out pounding her fists against the wooden floor.

"Hey, can I come in?" Mia asked, her voice clearly full of worry.

"Go away," Rose choked out, burying her head in her knees.

"I'm coming in,"

The door clicked open and Mia appeared, still holding her smoothie in her right hand. She sighed before setting it down on Rose's dresser and taking a seat next to her.

"You should really put on a pair of pants you know right?"

Rose didn't answer, but she lifted her head out to look at Mia.

"Tell me what happened, come on."

Rose stared at Mia, debating whether to tell the truth or lie. She settled on the truth and told Mia everything, from what happened in the morning, to her French test, and even her most recent conversation with Zachary.

"Wow, long morning huh? Meanwhile I was here just trying to sleep to get over that god awful hangover from last night.

Rose cracked a smile, Mia always seemed to be able to cheer her up. Another shadow emerged at the doorway, and Zachary's head popped in.

"Oh, hi Mia, I was wondering if I could speak to Rose?"

Rose shook her head frantically at Mia, she couldn't talk to Zach, not yet, plus she wasn't wearing any pants. Mia shot her a devilish grin, before getting up and walked over to the door.

"Yeah, that's fine, she's in here, I'm going to go make another smoothie. Want one?"

"Nah, I'm fine, that's for offering though," he replied stepping through the door.

Rose frantically thought about what to do, and in a frenzy, covered herself with the closest thing from her, her wet sheets from this morning.

"Hey Rosie, I just wanted to make sure that you're okay," Zach said concerned as he approached Rose.

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