Causes of ASPD

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There is a wide variety of reasons as to why an individual may have ASPD, either if they are simply born this way, or have developed it. A diagnosis of any mental disorder cannot be made if the patient has not reached the age of 18 or above. Something that must be made clear is, ASPD is extremely likely to have existed for the individual's entire life. While a young child cannot be diagnosed with ASPD despite how many symptoms he/she matches, the child is extremely likely to have shown traits since a young age, and if he/she engages in certain behavior that may lead to the violation of social rules, then the psychologist may give the diagnosis of Conduct Disorder. If the pattern of anti-social behavior continues in his/her lifetime into adulthood, a diagnosis of ASPD may be given once they reach the age of 18 years old.

The causes of a person being born with ASPD are commonly due to genetics, or issues during pregnancy. There aren't many variables to this, as the individual's brain is just hardwired this way, prior to their birth.

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