Chapter 26

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Sorry for the late updates I've been busy with Six Cruel Hours Of Our Life's aka School
Welp Enjoy

Azur Lane base

Near the port PoW and Elizabeth could be seen checking on the ships

PoW: Seems like everyone's ship is in good shape. He says

Elizabeth: Indeed they are. She says

PoW nodded as they continued walking in the port

Elizabeth: Any siren activities after the last one Prince?. She asked

PoW: No Your majesty, the siren activities had dropped down quite a lot after the recent mission. He says

Elizabeth: Again the sirens must have planning something once more. She says and sighed

PoW: Not to worry Your majesty, If an attack does occured the defence system will help ease the attack a little until we prepare. He says

Elizabeth: That is atleast good to hear. She says looking down

PoW smiles at her

PoW: Shouldn't you be with a certain someone Your majesty? You know.... A certain Battleship. He says chuckling

Elizabeth: Oh hush Prince, stop teasing me. She says blushing a little

PoW chuckles at her as M. Kent approaches them

M. Kent: Your Majesty, The Midget Queen wants to talk with you... Again. She says

Elizabeth: What is it about?. She asks

M. Kent: I don't know, About siren activities I think. She says

Elizabeth nodded at Kent

Elizabeth: Very well then, Prince let's go. She says

PoW: Yes your majesty. He says as the two walked to the Royal Garden

After awhile the two soon arrived at the Royal Garden where the loli Queen was waiting with Hood and Illustrious

Q.E: Ah finally you two arrived. She says

PoW just nodded at her

Hood: It's good to see you again Ms. Elizabeth. She says smiling

Elizabeth: The same goes here. She says smiling back

PoW: So why have you called us here?. He asked

Q.E: Ah yes about that, Ark Royal's planes have detected a few ships just few miles from the base just floating there, We sended an investigation team but they returned due to bad weather. She says

PoW: And let me guess, You want some Modern ships to investigate them?. He asked

Q.E: Indeed! I, leader of the Royal Navy of this world ask for your help to investigate these ships. She says

Elizabeth: It will be done, we will just pick some ships to investigate them. She says

PoW: Yes indeed. He says

Illustrious: Thank you for your help. She says

Elizabeth: No Problem Ms. Illustrious. She says

PoW: Lets go Your Majesty. He says

Elizabeth nodded and walked out of the garden with PoW

Somewhere else

In the middle of the ocean four ships and a submarine could be seen floating endlessly

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