Fuckin' horse

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POV : You're Tommy's young child

TW : Broken bone

A/N : This can take place whenever you want ! Just a basic hurt/comfort fic, I hope you'll like it !

"Dammit Tommy, that fuckin' horse is goin' completely crazy in here !"

"I know he is, Charlie. Just let me go see him, I'll try to ease him down a bit."

Charlie's disapproving glance slowly moved from your father to you.

"Fine," said he, "But if I were you, I'd leave the small one out of here... That horse is fuckin' dangerous, I'm tellin' ya !"

You looked up at your father, with pleading and hopeful eyes, already preparing in your head a list of arguments which could convince him to take you to see the horse anyway.
You were expecting Tommy to say something to you, but instead, he chuckled softly and grabbed his uncle by the shoulder.

"Charlie, I'm not a child anymore, I've seen far worse than a crazy horse, we'll be alright," he replied in an amused tone, "Besides, the little one needs to learn," he added, after giving you a small glance.

You couldn't help the large smile that came illuminating your face. You were going to take care of a horse ! Finally !
You grabbed your father's hand, visibly excited and entered inside the stables eagerly, almost jumping with joy, which owed you a small, amused smile from the man.

"You're not a child, but you still act like one sometimes..." you heard Uncle Charlie mumbling under his breath.
If Tommy noticed, he didn't let it show on his face, (he was really good at that), and just kept walking.

As you entered deeper into the stables, you could clearly hear the sound of a horse's frantic whinnies, and of his hoofs, scraping the floor.

You hid behind your father's coat, slightly frightened by the loudness and constancy of the noise.

"It's alright, it's alright..." said your father in what he probably wanted to be a comforting tone.
You nodded your head, still gripping Tommy's black coat.

The more you walked, the closer you were getting to the source of the noise, and the louder it got.
Eventually, your father stopped, and you shyly peered on his side, to try and see the horse.

There he was, a black horse, which seemed very tall to you, but was probably average size to a fully grown-up person. To be honest, now that you thought about it, he wasn't so special physically speaking, but since he was the first one you would take care of, you had been really amazed at that time.

The horse stopped his whinning and scrapping as he finally seemed to notice you, before resuming seemingly more intensely than before.

"Why is he like this, daddy ? Does he have a problem ?" you asked, hiding yourself back behind the black coat.

"Look at his eyes, hey ? Look... He's scared." explained Tommy, pointing at the horse's face with his gloved finger.

"Scared of what ?" you asked.

"Scared of this place, of the city... And probably of us."

"Am I really that scary dad ?" you asked naively.

Tommy turned around to kneel down in front of you, an amused look in his deep blue eyes.

"Of course you are ! The scariest Shelby I've ever met," he said in a teasing voice.

"I know you're joking, dad..." you said timidly, but feeling very happy anyway that your father had called you a scary Shelby.
The man took a fake look of offense and brought a hand to his heart as he answered :

Tommy Shelby One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now