Day Seven

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Okay, before you yell at me, I know I missed a day. But nothing that exciting happened yesterday, I promise. It was another lazy day.

Today, though, Jezza was getting irritated so we went out for a walk, armed to the teeth, and guess who we found! One James May. And not long after running into him, we came across Oz Clarke. They'd been on their way to James's garage because the abandoned warehouse they'd been hiding in and been stormed by zombies.

So now, we have James and Oz in our little garage to look after. Thankfully, Oz brought food (and wine) so we have enough food till tomorrow when we can go shopping again. There was no way I was going back to the shops after yesterday, I felt like the zombies would have been waiting for me. And I didn't like going out after five, because last time we went out late, we ran into a pack of zombies. They seem to really like the night, and being able to hide in the shadows, so I'm good waiting.

At dinner, James and Oz told us how they'd escaped and how it had been Clarke's idea to come to his garage. James also stared at my dress (not the green one, but the cute black one with the rather low neckline) but when he got caught he blushed and looked away, stumbling over his words adorably. So I casually brought up the Toy Stories episode and how amazing the bike was, and he started chattering away again happily.

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