Haunted Memories

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Alderaan: 19 BBY
Senator Organa's Home
Lesia Mirri

    "I remember you," Senator Organa said. He stepped around his desk and gave her an appraising glance.

    "We only met once or twice," Les replied. Azie let out a confused beep.

    "Master Yoda spoke about you a few times. Apparently, you were a troublesome youngling."

    "I was."

    "I'm glad to see another survivor, regardless." Senator Organa smiled.

    "Is there something specific you need from me?" Les asked. "One of my companions doesn't trust me and I don't want to give her a reason to be more suspicious of me."

    "They don't know you are a Jedi?"

    "Was. I was a Jedi. I'm not anymore, and no, they don't know. Jedi and Mandalorians were once enemies and from what I've heard, many Mandalorians haven't forgotten that. Besides, I think they'd just turn me in to the Empire and collect whatever bounty is being offered if they knew. Oni would, anyway."

    "I see. That could cause problems for you." He folded his hands together, thinking. "Like I told the droid..."

    Les arched an eyebrow. "Azie. His name is Azie."

    "Like I told Azie," Senator Organa began again, "there is no official Rebellion yet. A few of us are doing what we can, making progress towards one. Perhaps someday, you will consider joining us? We could use the help of a former Jedi."

Les crossed her arms and sighed. "Your cause is a noble one, Senator, and I wish you luck. However, I want no part in it. I was never truly a Jedi and I won't pretend that I was. My presence only brings trouble. The galaxy needs real Jedi, like Master Yoda, or Master Kenobi. It doesn't need Lesia Mirri, the failed apprentice."

Senator Organa's gaze appeared briefly saddened. "I see. I will not ask you to commit to this, but if you change your mind, contact me. May the Force be with you."

"You too." Les brushed a hand over Azie's dome. "Take care on Cantonica. That's rough territory, even if it looks pretty." Azie chirped an agreement and a goodbye. Lesia strode out of the office and returned to the Mythos.

Nakoa took off as soon as she took her seat. "What was that about?" Oni asked.

"He wanted me to help get Azie on his way, like he said," Les replied. Again, she felt a stab of guilt as the lie slid off her tongue. A strange feeling crept over her. She glanced at Nakoa. He was still facing forward, but she sensed an air of unease around him.

"Let's get going. We need to take the beskar back to the Clan before someone else claims it," Oni said. Nakoa shook his head, as though clearing his thoughts, and activated the hyperdrive.

Lothal: 19 BBY
Capital City
Nakoa Sen

They arrived before the large planet shortly. Imperial Star Destroyers surrounded it. Nakoa narrowed his eyes and Oni masked their signature. "There weren't this many ships here when we first came."

"Maybe something happened," Lesia replied.

"Maybe. Let's be quick. I have a bad feeling about this." Nakoa landed in a docking bay close to the Imperial compound. He grabbed the droid head and left the Mythos. Oni and Les followed close behind him.

They were allowed entrance immediately, this time around. Two stormtroopers led them back to the officer's quarters. The man rose with a grin when they entered. "You found the droid!" He gestured towards the head that Nakoa held.

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