Imperial Bounties

330 14 3

Lothal: 19 BBY
Lesia Mirri

    Lesia watched the grasslands of Lothal through the Mythos' viewport. Lothal was simple, but its presence was intricate. Within the grass, she could sense a variety of creatures. Large stone formations popped up at random.

    She closed her eyes for a moment and let her senses race over the planet. The Force was strong within it. She could feel a few places that were especially unique. Les opened her eyes as they neared Lothal City.

    "How long has the Empire been here?" Les asked. "During the war, neither the Republic, nor the Separatists had any interest in this place. What's so special about it to the Empire?"

    "The Empire moved in a few months ago, right after the war ended," Nakoa replied. "I think they like the location of the planet."

    "The landscape makes it easy for them to manufacture and test new weapons and vehicles too," Oni added.

    Les narrowed her eyes. They flew past a large dome shaped building. Imperial flags lined the walkway that led up to the building. "Have they been strict on the people?"

    Nakoa shook his head and prepared to land. "I don't think so. As long as the citizens do what they're told and stay out of the way, the Empire shouldn't feel the need to crack down on them."

    "Unlike some places," Oni muttered. Les nodded her agreement. The Empire was still so new, and yet, numerous star systems were facing their terrible might. She witnessed some of it while running spice for Hondo.

    The Mythos landed in an open docking bay shortly. Oni grabbed Baja and they disembarked. Les waited behind while Nakoa locked down the ship. He joined her and they followed Oni and Baja.

    "Have you thought of a place you can go yet?" Nakoa asked.

    "Not yet. My options are"

    "Limited how?"

    Les bit her lip, before relenting. "I can't go to any of the Core planets. There might be a few places in the Middle Rim that I could go to but my best bet is to stay in the Outer Rim."

    "That should be manageable. There are a lot of remote planets out here."

    "Yes, but there's also a lot of planets bearing scars from the Clone Wars. Didn't you hear about the Outer Rim Sieges?"

    "What's that got to do with anything?"

    Lesia looked down and hoped he didn't notice the nervousness that she couldn't shake away. "I don't want to go to any planet that has been touched by the war."

    Nakoa glanced at her. She found it somewhat unnerving, being unable to see his expression. "How come?"

    Les squared her shoulders and stared straight into the visor of his helmet. "Bad memories." She carried on ahead before he could question her further.

    Stormtroopers stood on guard ahead, blocking their path. Oni pushed Baja in front of her and kept a hand on his shoulder. They reached the gates shortly and a stormtrooper raised his hand.

    "What's your business here?" He demanded.

    Les forced herself to remain calm, even as she recognized a clone's voice beneath the Imperial helmet. It was Oni who replied. "We're here to collect a bounty."

    "Where is the target?" Oni shoved Baja forward. The stormtrooper pulled out a scanning device and waved it over the Shydopp's body. It beeped after a few seconds."Baja Haap, eh? They'll be glad to have him." He jerked his head towards the gates as they began to open.

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