Chapter 63: The Start Of Something Old

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It was a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly through the windshield. It wasn't too warm, but warm enough for a thin jacket instead of a heavy coat. The weather didn't match with Katya's emotions, but it felt good to have the sun on her face and the windowns down, the wind blowing through her dark hair. 

Not unlike Natasha had once done to Steve in Washington, Katya rolled up to the curb and whistled at her fiancée. ''Hello there beautiful. Do you need a ride?''

Natasha threw her a nasty look, rolling her eyes at the theatrics but secretly happy Katya was able to joke. She didn't really show it, but she was incredibly worried about her. The dark circles couldn't even be hidden by makeup anymore and her nails were a mess, but there was a slight spark in her eyes that had been missing since Sokovia.

''Shut up,'' the redhead said as she stepped in, placing the shopping bags by her feet, the sports seat hugging her body tightly. She had gotten used to Katya's dark hair and wasn't bothered by it in the least. Whatever made her happiest.

They had finally told the other Avengers about the engagement, everyone really happy for them of course, but had decided to wait with the wedding. Wanda was still mourning her brother, half the Avengers were struggling with the things they'd seen, Thor needed to go back to Asgard and Tony and Clint were also leaving the team. Like Katya, they had a hard time dealing with it all.

So they had decided to wait until the timing felt right. Honestly, Katya wasn't mad about it. She wasn't in any state of mind to plan a wedding. When she did finally marry the love of her life, she wanted it to be right, everything.

Besides, there was no rush. Both women were only thirty-one so they expected to live for a couple years longer at least. 

Katya made sure to show off her car when driving away, giving the people who were watching a show. She could feel Natasha roll her eyes, even though she always did the exact same. 

The radio played some R&B and Katya softly hummed along. ''You get everything you needed?'' Although the silence between them was always comfortable and neither felt the need to fill it, she did need a distraction from her thoughts. 

Natasha hummed, elbow on the door and head resting in her hand. Her red hair was shining as always, perfectly curled, but that didn't fool Katya. There were also dark circles under her eyes, the green holding a certain dullness. ''Had to fight a guy to get the last chocolate.''

Katya chuckled, mentally picturing the fight in her head. The man wouldn't stand a chance, no matter who he was. ''Would have loved to see that.''

''Oh I'm sure,'' Natasha smirked, checking the time on the car's dashboard. ''Let's hope the boys haven't left yet.''

Thor and Tony were leaving today, Clint having left a couple days prior, eager to spend time with his family. 

Katya was going to miss them, slightly feeling the Avengers were falling apart, although she knew they would always be there for her if she needed them. 

''Nah,'' Katya said, knowing that chance was very small, ''they can't leave without saying goodbye to their favorite spies.''

Spies, although they had turned more into soldiers while working for the team. At SHIELD, they had truly been spies, sent on missions to retrieve information or silently take out someone in a house full of security. 

Sometimes Katya missed that. The tension of game. Now it was more, storming the building and killing everyone in sight. Not that she hated it, it was just a little boring. She really wished there would come an opportunity to spy again, although she wasn't exactly anonymous anymore. Everyone knew who she was, which meant getting into parties or sneaking past guards unseen was almost impossible.

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