Chapter 4: Stu-Pot

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   The next morning, Sydney was the first one up, out of bed, and ready to go. This was highly unlike her, because she would sleep until late afternoon if she had the chance, but you figured that if you were about to meet your rock star dad for the first time ever, you'd wake up extra early as well. "Come ON, y/n! I don't want to be late to meet the rest of the crew!" Syd whined as she jumped on the bed in an attempt to wake you up.

   Rolling over to face the giant high rise  window next to your bed, you rolled over and peeled your eyes open to look at the cityscape below. Lights from certain buildings were twinkling across the city here and there like makeshift stars as night shift workers prepared for home and rest and the rest of the town below began to start their day. The sky was still a darkish grey-blue color as you wiped the sleep- crust from the corners of your eyes. "Syd. Sydney. Friend. Sister. The sun isn't even up, yet! Can I please just have a measly ten more minutes?" you plead to the hyper blue-haired girl, but alas; your pleas fell onto deaf ears.

   Using a surprising amount of strength that you didn't even know she had, Sydney dragged you out of bed and pushed you into the bathroom. Grabbing your toothbrush from the travel bag, Syd rinsed it, tapped the excess water off, and squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste onto it "Here. Brush." she demanded. You groggily take the toothbrush out of her hand and begin scrubbing your teeth and surrounding mouth clean, chasing away the morning breath. As you brushed your teeth, Sydney combed and fussed over your bed-head  hair until she settled on a style that she found presentable.

   After you finished brushing your teeth, Syd handed your stick of deodorant "Put this on." she instructed as she took a warm, soapy washcloth and began washing your face. After you dressed in your favorite outfit and put on an amount of makeup that Sydney was happy with, the two of you looked in the gigantic mirror and smiled. "We clean up so nicely." you say, pleased at what you saw in the mirror. Sydney smiled and nodded to reassure herself; you could tell that the butterflies were beginning to set in now that she was so close to actually seeing the infamous Stuart Pot after all these years of waiting, dreaming, and planning. Yawning, you grab your phone and purse and follow your blue haired friend out of the hotel room, locking the door behind you.

   The two of you made your way to the hotel cafe for breakfast. It had just opened up a few minutes ago and as you walk in, you're pleasantly surprised to see the entire band of Gorillaz sitting at a corner booth. You would have never pegged anybody there as a particularly early riser, but you learn something new every day. Russ smiles at the sight of you and Sydney and waves you over to the booth.

   "Good morning! I wasn't sure if you girls were early birds or not, so I got the whole gang down here early, just in case." Russ explained. He scooted over and you sat in between Russ and Sydney. Across from you sat Murdoc who was groggily mixing in alcohol from a flask and sugar cubes into a cup of jet black coffee , a cool looking Asian woman who you knew was Noodle, and a blue haired man who was lightly snoring with his head on the table.

   Noodle smiled at you and then looked at Sydney. Her eyes widened and she gasped as she took in your friend's long blue hair and familiar crooked smile. She began to shake the sleeping blue haired man beside her awake. "Two-chi! Two-chiii! Wake up!" she urged as she finally shook the snoozing man awake. "AH! Wot is it, Noodle?! I'm up!" the man said in an almost panicked sounding voice. He had a noticeable Cockney accent and his voice sounded cute and cartoonish, like how he sounded when he was at the door the previous night.

    You felt Sydney tense up next to you as she was finally inches away and directly in front of the man she knew as her father. Under the table you gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as the blue haired front-man wiped the sleep from his eyes before noticing Syd right in front of him. "Hey, you're the girl from last night who answered the door!" he said in a chipper voice as he remembered Syd's face from before, seemingly oblivious to the similarities between them. Syd nodded quickly and 2D's smile grew wider as he pointed at her hair "And wot do you know? A fellow bluenette!" the singer exclaimed in a complimenting tone.

    Russ cleared his throat and glanced over at Syd and 2D before making introductions. "Hey, y'all, I want to properly introduce you guys to two friends that Murdoc and I made last night. Noodle, 'D, this here is Y/N, our new makeup technician for the tour, and this is her friend, Sydney Pot. Y/N, Sydney, this is Noodle and 2D, or... Stuart Pot." Noodle smiled and waved at you two during her introduction and you smiled back at her; she seemed like a kind big sister figure to you. After 2D was introduced, though, all eyes at the table turned to him and Syd.

   "You bof' don't haffa call me Stuart Pot! These lot call me 2D, and some uva friends of mine call me Stu-Pot!" he explained with a smile. 2D turned towards you and you were immediately taken aback by his eyes. Sure, you'd seen photos of him before, but you'd never seen his (or anybody else's, really) eightball fractured eyes up close in person, before. They were absolutely mesmerising to you and you had an odd glittery feeling in your stomach. 2D seemed to be peering deeply into your eyes as well for a brief moment. His face had a couple of barely noticeable lines across it from age, a front tooth missing, and slight stubble from not having shaved yet this morning, but all in all, you found something about the lanky older man unconventionally charming and attractive.

   Blushing, you broke the eye contact and looked down at the menu, not feeling particularly hungry at the moment. " 'D, that wasn't the point of what I'm trying to tell you. I'm trying to not be so direct, but uhh..." Russ began nervously. Murdoc interrupted him with an annoyed voice; you weren't sure if he was just grumpy from waking up early or if he just didn't like 2D in general, but you definitely picked up a sour mood. "Ain't it obvious, you Faceache? What Russel here is trying to tell your stupid face is-" Sydney broke her awkward silence and blurted out "I think I might be your daughter, Mr. Pot!  Err... I mean... I think maybe there's a big possibility that you're my real father." she explained, saying the last part sheepishly.

   A look of realization began to flood onto 2D's face as he stared directly at Sydney. "Oh" he said in a small voice after awhile. His face grew pale and he chuckled sheepishly "You do look like a girl version of me, don't ya?" he asked in an almost mesmerized voice. You noticed tears threatening to spill out of Syd's eyes as she nodded in agreement and for some reason, Noodle was teary eyed as well. " I do. I've always felt that I did" Syd answered. "I mean, I'm more than willing to take a dna test so we can both know for sure, but who else on this entire planet has naturally blue hair?" Sydney asked chuckling lightly. 2D seemed to be in a daze as she said this and nodded along slightly to her words.

   Finally, a waitress came over to the table to take everyone's order as Syd and 2D just stared at each other. Russel ordered eggs Benedict with a side of bacon and fruit, Noodle ordered a yogurt and granola parfait, you decided on a simple bird's nest toast and cup of cocoa, while Murdoc ordered blood sausage and toast with jam. "Would the two of you like anything as well?" the waitress asked, breaking Syd and 2D out of their silent trance. Flustered, they both blurted out "Oh! Just a peppermint tea, for me!" before shooting each other another wide eyed glance and laughing

   While waiting for your orders to arrive,  Murdoc pouted while looking out of the cafe window, Russel and Noodle smiled warmly at Sydney and 2D as they chattered away ,getting to know each other and possibly making up for lost time. You looked at everyone and smiled quietly; you had helped your best friend in the entire world fulfil her childhood dream, and it had all worked out even better than you'd ever imagined. You were happy for her and even for yourself, as you had somehow gotten a job with the band until their tour in the States wrapped up. But what next? What would happen to you after that? You weren't entirely sure, and deep down you were worried about it- being alone again.


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