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"What do you want, Ten?" 

Ten pouted, pulling him over to their lockers, a firm grip on Dejun's wrist as he slammed the locker door open, pinning Xiaojun into it.

"Dejunnie, come on, why are you so cold and cruel~ I just wanted to tell you all the freshest tea along with the newest gossip! You have no idea what just happened, we got the BEST THING EVER!" Typical. Absolutely typical Ten.

Of course. He'd drag him to school extra early and ruin Xiaojun's breakfast just to gossip. What did he even expect? All Xiaojun could think of was the waffles he had made this morning, the fluffy, buttery and creamy waffles covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce dripping off it, left behind on the table untouched ALL BECAUSE Ten had dragged him to school extra early, and he was now pondering whether or not to threaten the Thai with fruit.

Xiaojun sighed, scratching his neck as he stomach growled, gently rubbing his abdomen. He was extremely hungry now, and looked at Ten, wondering what could possibly be so important.

"Well? What's the gossip? What's so important that you had to make me leave my sweet, lovely waffles topped with strawberry jam, chocolate sauce straight from heaven and the freezingly delightful vanilla ice cre-"

Ten laughed and did a little dance of joy, his eyes sparkling with hints of madness, sparkling with mischief which made Dejun take a step back.

"Did you just ask me for gossip! Junnie is learning~" "LI YONG QIN! I swear I will take a watermelon and shove it UP YOUR-"

Ten covered Xiaojun's mouth, glaring at him. "Hey don't threaten me with fruit! I'll tell you!! We have a new transfer and he's super hot...like- Lucas from science is a whole snack, and this man is a five course meal that allows no disappointment-"

 Xiaojun was not impressed at all. Sacrificing waffles for a hot transfer? Pfft, he'd never make that deal in his life. Ever. And Ten was most probably wrong, that Thai barely got any gossip right, especially since that time he had told the school Lucas was dating Kun and the truth had been that the giant was dating Jungwoo. The amount of second hand embarrassment he gained from merely recalling the event was astonishing, much less having to experience it.

Xiaojun smiled at the memory, recalling Ten's embarrassment that gave him a hint a satisfaction, but then scowled again, remembering those heavenly waffles.

"Ten, I don't care about a hot transfer, I'm hungry because you stole breakfast and thirsty-"

Thirsty, yes indeed. His poor banana milkshake that Ten had also make him leave...

Ten let out a fanboying squeal, pointing at the door.

"Dejunnie look! He's-"

But Xiaojun had already finished his sentence for him.

Xiaojun was also staring at the doorway, watching the new transfer walk in and gaped openly.

"Holy fuck- He's gorgeous..."

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. Dejun thought that he had to be used to that, the attention, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way, followed by weakened knees, bitten lip, fidgeting fingers with a gaze that tried to be nonchalant but failed oh so badly, and a nervous smile. Of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. 

In those brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth, as if they were the wood that could burn with golden flame yet be forever perfect. Those brown eyes were as polished amber in the first spark of dawn, with specks of blackness that seemed to pull Xiaojun in even more, a hint of mischief in them, and adorning those beautiful eyes were double eyelids that only seemed to give him a royal look, he was one you would think to see in only Disney miracles, but yet here he was, right in front of Dejun and Ten, a real life prince.

The boy turned his head around, seemingly having heard what he said, but that was impossible, wasn't it..? They were standing so far apart, the transfer was at least halfway down the hall, Yet the smirk on his face said otherwise. The unknown boy slowly, but confidently made his way through the hall, and as he passed Dejun, he whispered something in his ear.

"No, pet, I'm Hendery."

Xiaojun felt his face flush red as Hendery smirked, turning away from him and facing Ten. The older skipped towards him, grinning happily. "Hello, pretty transfer boy!" Hendery's smirk only widened as he eyed the older boy.

"Hendery." Ten smiled back, introducing himself with a quick wink and a cute gentle touch to the transfer's shoulder, making Xiaojun notice that his hyung was flirting. Chittaphon was flirting with this- this- godlike new transfer in front of him.

Xiaojun looked at the new boy, admiring his beautiful jawline, and that utterly gorgeous face so perfect it was like precisely carved marble . His eyes couldn't help but fall to his neck, staring at the other boy's Adam's apple, and distinctly noted how his hair looked perfect, and those out of the world eyes of his...

Hendery could basically feel the boy staring at him, and he knew the Chinese male was drooling over him. He could see it easily, and that made his smirk widen.

"Well then, Ten, it was nice to meet you. I have class right now, so I guess I'll see you at lunch?"

Ten nodded vigorously, and Hendery did something Xiaojun never expected he would. The transfer leaned in, and kissed Ten on the cheek, leaving him flustered and wide-eyed, his cheeks burning red.

Ten- flustered? DOES NOT COMPUTE.

Xiaojun honestly could not believe the sight in front of him, how was Ten flustered? And that Hendery- he had the audacity to wink at the two before he left-

Ten sighed, smiling sappily. "I told you he was hot. Are you still hungry, Dejun? We can go to the cafeteria real quick, and I'll get you a sandwich and some water?"

Xiaojun shook his head and looked down at the floor as the older boy blabbered away.

Yes, he was still hungry and thirsty, but not for food...

He wanted that transfer.

Well, wanted to see that transfer again. Dejun wasn't the type to lust after someone right after their first meeting, but Hendery had really peaked his interests. 

Hendery smiled to himself as he walked towards the english teacher's office, touching his lips gently with a long slender finger. "Both of them were cute... but the staring one was absolutely ravishing."

"Might have some fun with him."

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