"Natalie, baby, spit it out." Justin said anxiously.

"Okay so the first time we did anything, yknow like that, was the night after the dance about a month ago. They took me off birth control after the accident and recently I've been feeling really sick but only in the mornings like before this." Natalie said, causing both of Justin's eyes to widen.

"What are you saying, Nat?" Justin asks and Natalie puts her head down in shame. "Please tell me if you're joking right now." But Natalie's head stayed down. "That's okay, it's okay." He said, trying to reassure both of them.

Natalie hugged him once again but he had no choice but to go to work especially if he was about to have a baby on the way. She hoped it was just a fluke with all her medication differences. But she desperately needed someone to talk too that wasn't Clay, Justin, Zach or Tony who were more concerned about themselves.

Natalie felt something in her heart and her stomach at the same time. Who was the only person who wasn't judgemental when someone they knew ended up pregnant?

Natalie knew Ani wasn't home yet and Diego had football practice and there was no meeting for HO today. She showed up at the Davis house to see both of her parents cars in the driveway. "Fuck." She mumbled to herself.

She gathered up the strength to knock on the door to see Mr. Davis who she had only spoken with maybe two times in the past year. Once on good occasions and once on bad. "Natalie. Hi. I wasn't expecting you."

"Hi Mr. Davis. It's been a while. How's work?" Natalie asks and Jessica raises an eyebrow from her bedroom at the voice.

"Natalie. What are you doing here?" Jessica asks with a nervous and almost panicked tone.

"I was wondering if we could talk." Natalie looked at her with desperate eyes.

Jessica allows her to come back to her room that she was oh so familiar with and Jessica begin to talk. "Please don't tell me you're here to yell at me again. I got the message."

"I think I'm pregnant." Natalie blurts out causing Jessica so much shock, she almost sits down.

"What? And you came to me?" Jessica asks, confused but glad they could talk about it.

"I don't have that many friends, Jess. I have Justin and he's in the same boat of anxiety as I am. And I don't even if he's completely clean so this shit blows." Natalie says as she sits down, happy to see her pictures were still on Jessica's wall.

"What are you gonna do, Natalie? Have you taken a test?" Jessica asks, taking a seat in front of her.

"I don't know. I'm kinda just wishing this thing could just blow over." Natalie shrugs. "But no, I just have a feeling."

"You can't go to the Find Your Drink Party tonight, Natalie. There's too many risks." Jessica took a deep breath. And surprisingly was a good friend and talked her through it until Diego showed up to pick Jessica up for the party.

Natalie thought about just staying home but Justin was working and everybody else was at the party. So she just decided to take the risk. The last thing she wanted was to be alone right now and she didn't even know if she was actually pregnant.

Justin Foley | Love It If We Made It Where stories live. Discover now