Dreams or reality

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Athena's POV (Dream)

I was standing in a field near a tree and there was a woman who looked like my mother sitting not to far away from me.

"Where am I?" I asked and she turned to me with a smile

"You're asleep in the hospital wing. You've got a boy who is very nervous about it, been sitting at your bedside the whole time."

"What happened?"

"You fainted in the woods after seeing your father."

"My father? I don't understand. Gran told me my father was dead."

"Only just." She smiled looking at my necklace

"You're Amelia Day aren't you? You're my mom." I smiled as she nodded

"That is a very important necklace and it will come in handy to you."

"Mom can I ask you something?"

"Of course child."

"I have these dreams, and it's a field much like this one, with a group of people talking about a young girl, is the girl me?"

"I'm afraid so. What I'm about to tell you, you must not repeat until it is of importance. Do you understand?" She asked siting next to me

"When I fell pregnant with you there came to be a prophecy about a girl of great power. I was a young girl at the time merely 20 and I was afraid. I'd made some bad choices when he who must not be named came to power. I betrayed my friends because I thought I had to prove myself to my family. But when I was told of the prophecy I knew it would be you, so I ran. Dumbledore helped me he agreed to hide us and in exchange, you would be raised without the knowledge of your heritage. I agreed and he brought us to a safe house in America. Unfortunately the morning of October 31, 1981 your father, Tom had found us. I sent word to McGonagal and I hid you. That is all you must know." She said before she began to fade away

"Wait! Don't go! I have more questions! Mom?" I cried before my eyes snapped open

After blinking a few times my eye adjusted to the light of the hospital wing. I felt a hand holding my left one and a weight against my left arm. I looked over to see George holding my hand as he slept with is head rested against me. I smiled and with my right hand I moved the hair out of his eyes

"Georgie? Wake up." I whispered gently running my fingers threw his hair but when that didn't woke I turned to the side and grabbed the cup of water on the table and poured it on him.

"Hey! What was that fo- Athie you're awake!" He smiled hugging me. Madam Pomfrey came over to see why he was yelling when she noticed I was awake

"Hiya Poppy!" I smiled

"Miss Day might I remind you, for the hundredth time since you have visited this room, you are to call me Madam Pomfrey!" She scolded with a sigh and I nodded with a smirk. She then handed me a few potions to drink and then George and I left

"You were out for quite awhile you know? Had me worried." George said holding my hand and I blushed

"I was? Well can't get rid of me that easy Georgie!" I smiled as I reached up to ruffle his hair he swatted my hand away with the hand that wasn't holding mine. Once we got to the common room I was tackled in a hug.

"Rosie!" A group of voices yelled in unison

"Hi guys!"

"You've been out quite awhile! A whole week you know?" Hermione said and I gasped

Athena [George Weasley x oc]/Completed/Where stories live. Discover now