Ch. 12; Regiments

Start from the beginning

Annie rubbed her lovers' back, trying to comfort her because she knew the real reason why she was so upset. Everyone around them stood in silence and shock, in fear of Aila and the strength she possessed. Jean and Connie helped carry Reiner and Bertholdt to the infirmary, not having a clue of what just happened. Annie helped Aila stand, she walked her to the dorm bathrooms to wash the blood of her hands and feet. Too afraid to say anything, the others didn't tell Sadies a word in fear of Aila or Annie doing the same to them. Annie sat Aila down on the counter, wiping her tears, "Shhhhhh... it's ok Aila, I'm here", Annie told her girlfriend as she caressed her face. Aila stopped crying and leaned into Annie's touch, "I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to I just.. I snapped when Reiner mentioned my home... the home HE and Bertholdt took from me!", Annie wet a towel and wiped the blood off of Aila's face and hands. She set it down and leaned in and kissed Aila, Aila breathed into the kiss, feeling comforted by it. Annie grabbed the sides of her face and rested their foreheads together, "I know, and I one hundred percent agree with you, we will kill them when we get the chance, I swear it". Aila reached her hand up and grabbed Annie's, staring into her eyes. CRASH! The door busted open, in came Sasha, Christa and Ymir. Christa immediately ran to Aila's side, "Aila! W-What happened in training?!", the short blonde asked. Annie stepped forwards and spoke, "Reiner and Aila got a little too rough, Bertholdt just got caught in the cross hairs" "Even so you took it way too far, but, I understand if you just got a little too serious", Christa replied as she looked at the ground in disappointment. Sasha walked forward and without a word, embraced Aila. Aila, surprised at first, leaned into the hug, happy to know her friend understands what happened and why. When Sasha stepped back, Christa walked forwards and grabbed Aila's hands gently, examining the busted knuckles on her hands. She sighed, "You should be more careful and hold back more", she told Aila as she pulled out a bandage and began wrapping her knuckles. Aila thanked her and stepped off the counter, Ymir came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her, "Sooooo.. did the creep grab your ass or something?", she asked. Aila chuckled a bit but shook her head, "Haha, you think Annie would let him live if he did?" "Fair point, touche", she said as she backed away and returned to Christa's side. They then all left, BUNG! BUNG! BUNG! The bell signaling dinner rung.

As they approached the mess hall a voice shouted from the porch, "Brandt! I need to speak with you before you eat", Sadies shouted, standing poised. Aila gulped and looked at Annie, "Save me a table ok love?", Annie nodded. Aila stepped to Sadies's view, he began, "I heard about and saw the aftermath of your little outburst earlier, care to explain?", Aila looked down at her fists and frowned in disappointment, "Reiner asked me out on a date and started getting touchy, I apologize for going to far sir". The commandant sighed and relaxed a bit, "I see, very well then, carry on, they're in the mess hall as of now, so be polite", Aila saluted, "Sir!", she turned and entered the hall. She walked over and got her food from the chefs, she looked around for her ice eyed girlfriend and found her sitting with Mikasa, Sasha, and Armin. She walked over and sat down with them, "Hey guys, how'd the tri-", she was cut off by Mikasa, "Aila! Are you ok? I heard about your dispute earlier". Aila looked down at her hands once more, "Yeah.. I'm alright...", Annie reached over and rested her hand in Aila's. Aila looked up and smiled in relief to be with her, "I just let my emotions get the best of me", Mikasa relaxed and sighed. "I was worried they attacked you, I'm just glad you're ok", Mikasa and Armins' faces turned to worry yet looked to be relieved at the same time. Aila reached up and began eating, "Sho, wha happened?", Aila asked, worried for her friends. Armin spoke up, "Well, they let Eren live. However, in order to convince the jury, captain Levi beat Eren senseless", Aila choked on her food. Annie looked worried, "What? They took such extreme lengths though", Mikasa's fists clenched, "Yeah, that pipsqueak went too far, he'll pay for it". Sasha rested her hand on Mikasa's clenched fist, making Mikasa relax a bit, "Well, where is he now?", Aila asked. "With the scouts, in Levi's special operations squad being guarded every minute", Armin told his table sharers, Aila and Annie relaxed a bit knowing that he's safe and not far from their reach. The five cadets finished eating, they talked, laughed, and even cried a little together. But it all came to an end with the bell that signaled the end of supper. Everyone got up and headed for the formation area to wait for their regiment selections.

Every cadet was anxious, they knew they only had two options. They were nervous for their fates and decisions. Sadies appeared once more, he walked onto the stage before them and shouted, "CADETS ATTENTION!", everyone shouted, "SIR!", as they gave their attention to their superior. "Today you will be met by the commander of a regiment depending on the choices you make! Let it be known that the regiment you choose will most likely be permanent! So choose wisely", he shouted as he looked them all up and down. Some began to sweat in angst, "Now, I thank all of you for your hard work in training and wish you all the best! I present to you the commander of the scout regiment, Erwin Smith!", Sadies shouted as he walked off the stage and behind a curtain. Erwin walked forth with confidence, "Good evening, I am Erwin Smith, commander of the survey corps also known as the scout regiment. Today you will choose your regiment, lets cut to the chase here, the scouts need you. We need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent titan attack, you now know first hand the horrors of which they are capable, as well as the limits of your own skill. However, this battle's aftermath gave humanity a new chance for victory. I refer to Eren Jaeger, after selflessly risking life and limb, he has proven beyond a doubt his unwavering loyalty to our cause. Hope lives in him, Eren didn't just help to deter the titan invasion, he's offered us a means to discern proof of their origin. Intel suggests that the cellar of Jaeger's home in Shiganshina holds a vital secret regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find this secret, finding it, and use it to break free from the titans tyrannical hundred year reign once and for all", chatter began to spread among the cadets. Most were confused, including the four who knew the truth. Aila used her telepathy, "Mikasa, did you know about this?", Aila asked. "No, I'm just as shocked as you all are", she replied as sweat dropped from her brow. Aila and the others knew she was telling the truth. Erwin continued his speech, "Before we can reach the informants' cellar in Shiganshina, another problem must be dealt with. We must first retake wall maria, of course, this is much easier said than done. Now that the gate of Trost has been rendered inaccessible we'll be forced to stage future operations from the Colaneth district further east. Thus the battalion route we've spent the last four years of establishing is now completely useless to us. Over the course of those four years we've incurred losses in excessive sixty percent, sixty percent in four years, that's a horrifying figure. One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission outside the walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be be expected to take part, I estimate a third of them will die. After four years most will be dead, but those who endure it will be amongst the most capable soldiers alive. Now having heard these state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line and join us will remain here. But first ask yourself, can you give your heart, can you give your everything for humanity? That is all, those wanting to join other regiments are dismissed". With this, the commander ended his speech.

As cadets began to turn to leave and join other regiments, Mikasa, Sasha, Annie, and Aila stayed. And once those who have decided to leave have left, only those four, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Armin, Ymir, Christa, and Marco among some others of their class stayed to join the scouts and save those in the walls. Erwin looked out at the remains of the 104th, "I ask you, if you were ordered to die could you do it?", he asked poker faced. A cadet shouted, "We don't wanna die, sir!", Erwin smiled at the comment and continued on. "Of course, let us hope that you don't then. You who stayed, you are now one of us, allow me to welcome you to the scout regiment! This is a genuine salute!", he shouted as he raised his fist and slammed it on his chest, "Together we give our hearts!". Everyone left saluted their new commander, shouting "SIR!". He smiled once more, "Those of you standing here have worked through your fear, you have proven yourselves courageous. Each one of you has my respect", the newly entered scouts were dismissed afterwards to get some rest and prepare to move to the scouts barracks and headquarters the next day. Aila and the others returned to their dorms and showered one last time at the cadet quarters, they went back to their room and started putting their things together. Aila finished and plopped onto the bed her and Annie had combined, "So, we actually did it guys... we joined the scouts", Aila said as she stared at the ceiling. Mikasa sat down on her own bed and stared at the floor, "Yeah, and now we're one step closer to restoring Eldia and its people's freedom", Sasha sat down next to her and laid her head in her lap, letting out a sigh, "And closer to being able to take back our home and revenge on Reiner and Bertholdt". Annie laid down and held Aila's hand, squeezing it slightly, "And I'm closer to being able to see my father again..", Annie said with a excited yet sad tone. Aila turned and kissed her gently, got into bed and cuddled her. Sasha reached over and blew out the lamp, turning and spooning Mikasa. They all fell asleep with determination in their hearts and on their minds.

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