Chapter Two

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Fight or Flight

Pro-Bending Arena


The past week had been quite busy for the young Avatar. In between training with Tenzin and still being unable to airbend at all. On top of that now spending some time with Tarrlok with his task force to stop all the small plans that the equalist were doing. Deep down Korra knew that Amon was up to something much greater. Now the Fire Ferrets were in the semi final thanks to their new sponsors Asami and Mr.Sato. The Avatar had officially had a lot on her plate and it was starting to catch up to her now. She hadn't been sleeping well and getting up early was nearly impossible.

"Korra you're here!" Bolin squealed with excitement.

Mornings are evil. I am just so tired. Can't wait to go home and rest since Tarrok doesn't need me tonight.

"So nice of you to show up for training, Avatar Korra." Mako spoke with slight irritation.

Korra starts wrapping her hands with tape. Bolin is still throwing the earth disks at the goal posts. Mako is practicing his fire punches. Mako looked unimpressed whilst Korra was setting up.

"Shut up Mako, I am here now so let's start training." Korra cracked her knuckles and started hitting the bag.

"Start training? Korra, you are an hour late and you've missed the past two training sessions. Hell, you didn't even tell us what you were doing this past week.

Korra is now looking at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with Mako.

"Now, I get that you have Avatar business but we were all starting to think that you didn't care about us." Mako quickly spoke back.

Mako getting closer to Korra. That's when Korra got on her defensive side, snapped her head to now look at Mako.

Korra bit back with her own words. "Mako you don't even know what I was doing because you were too busy spending time with your new girlfriend. I was out here trying to save the world from Amon's team."

Both eye to eye, both had their fists clenched.

"Don't you dare bring Asami to this. She has done nothing wrong Korra. If you have something against me or even Asami, say it right here." Mako now was pissed off.

Bolin comes to the rescue and stands in between the two other benders.

"Woah, woah, guys we are a team. Mako is right though, Korra. You still have to learn how to become the best Fire Ferret. You can't just not turn up to training. Also tell us what's happening with you, we do care about you Korra. If you ever need us all you need to do is get us. The Fire Ferrets are not just a team, we are family." Bolin said softly with a smile.

Korra didn't want to argue, she knew not to talk back when they both were right. Korra knew that she shouldn't have brought up Asami. The Avatar stayed silent and continued her stretching. She noticed a girl walking up to Mako and then kissing him on the lips.

Asami... Great she's here now... This day is going well isn't it.

Korra tried to ignore the other girl and started focusing on her pull-ups.

"Oh, Hi Korra. So glad you could make it to training today." Asami said neutrality.

Korra didn't say a single word, still doing her pull-ups on the door frame counting in her head.

Push it, 78 Keep it up... I'm The Avatar 79...

"I have just finished with everyone's outfits for the tournament." The older girl spoke softly.

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