panama city cowboy ➵ hangman adam page

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reader joins the Bullet Club. She's caught the attention of both Adam Cole and Hangman Page. She gets tired of the boys arguing over her so she comes up with a compromise. Little does she know that Cole and Page already thought of it ....

[ featuring adam cole ]

WARNINGS: threesome, smut, a little bit of public teasing / touching


You're in the Bullet Club locker room, waiting for the others with Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson.

You've just signed a multi-year contract with Ring of Honor and you've been best friends with Kenny for years. Right after you signed, Kenny asked you to join the Bullet Club. You automatically jumped at the opportunity and said yes.

Now he has to tell everyone that's in the faction.

Adam Cole and Hangman Adam Page both walk in with Cody Rhodes. Cody looks at you and say, "Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?"

Cole and Page both look at you, realizing that you're here. You say, "Kenny has something to say."

Kenny looks at you and says, "Thanks for that, Y/N. Anyway, as we know, Y/N has signed with Ring of Honor for the next few years. I've asked her to join Bullet Club and she said yes."

Cody says, "Yay. We have a female member now."

You laugh and say, "I make my in-ring debut tonight and I'm wearing a Bullet Club shirt out tonight. I hope you guys can come out with me."

Nick says, "We're going to give you a huge introduction first, Y/N. Well, 'we' meaning Kenny since technically he is our leader."

You laugh and Hangman says, "Look at you, Y/N. Making some Bullet Club history just by saying 'yes'."

Cole says, "We have to go out tonight to celebrate our newest member."

Hangman says, "I can agree with that."

Kenny looks at the guys then looks at you. He says, "Oh, Y/N. We put up a little space for you so you can have your own little area to yourself if you need to get away from us." He points behind you to see a corner of the room hidden by white curtains.

You walk over and enter the curtained area. You smile as you see a little setup. There's a little vanity with a mirror. Kenny built a little closet for you. You smile. It's not a big area. It's about an eight feet by ten feet area in the corner of the locker room.

The curtains move behind you and you look back to see Adam Cole behind you. You say, "Hey."

Adam says, "We're lucky to have you. I've come to a few shows with Kenny when you were on the card and you're good."

You feel your face heat up a bit and say, "Thank you." You give him a small smile and he walks closer to you.

"I hope I can buy you a drink tonight while we're out," he says.

You laugh softly and say, "We'll see."

The curtains part again and Hangman Page enters the little area. "What about me?" he asks.

You shake your head and begin to shoo them away, laughing. "Alright, you two. Out," you say. "I have to get ready for my match."

The boys leave the area and you close the curtains.

You strip out of your street clothes and get into your black ring gear. The gear is a crop top and tight shorts that are sparkly. You wear a pair of black fishnet tights. You lace up your boots and tie your long, wavy Y/H/C hair into a high ponytail. You add some light makeup so it looks like you slept last night.

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