
I know you probably don't care considering you sent my letter back without opening it. Well, I was pregnant and the baby was yours, a boy. I was going to name it Scorpius Cole, yes Cole. 

It's been approximately 13 hours since I miscarried and I don't even know why I am telling you. It's not really like you care but I would love it if I could at least talk to you. 

Congratulations on the wedding!

I will be at the hospital for another 24 hours. After that I will be packing my things and heading off, I can not stay in England any longer. If you choose to come then feel free but other than that you will never see me again. 

I hope you have an amazing marriage and that your kids grow up to be amazing people Draco. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you but I wish you and Astoria the best. 


I didn't know what else to do other than grab my coat and head over to her house. There were a lot of things I needed answered and I don't know what else to do. 

I walk downstairs and was stopped by my parents, walking into the living room I can see they have parchments spread out on the table. 

"Mother! Father!" I nod my head, putting my coat on. 

"Draco...now that Astoria has passed away, we're going to need to find you a new-" Father began but I cut him off with a laugh, he can't be serious. 

"I don't have time for your bullshit, spare me the details," I snapped before running out of the house.


Eight bloody times. Eight times I've been knocking on Leona's fucking door and no answer. It's not like she's out, "Alora open the fucking door!"

As I held my fist ready to knock again, the door opened and Alora came into view. "What do you want?" She asked in a hushed tone, wrapping herself in a blanket. 

"May I come in?" I asked. She opened the door wider for me to enter and as soon as I entered, sweat began to overtake me. 

Fucking hell this room was hot as fuck. 

"I came here to talk about the 'b' word," I said, I didn't want to trigger her or anything. 

She snorted slightly which held a confused look on my face. "The 'B' word? Draco, I'm a grown woman. You can say baby," she said, sitting down on the couch opposite me. 

"Right. Well, I read the two letters in the box," I told her. She rose her brows, "I know."

I parted my lips to say something but she held her hand out, silencing me. "Look, Draco. If someone sent me a box with two letters addressed to me I would read them too. So, why don't we cut the small talk and get to the real talk? Why did you leave the other day?"

I stared at her astonished really, she's changed a lot since I last saw her and I couldn't help but be intimidated slightly. "I was overwhelmed by the fact you didn't tell me you fucked my best friend and about our baby dying," I explained. 

"Well, I did in the letter that your wife messed with. Second, I had every right to not tell you. I thought you didn't care, I wrote that letter out of guilt and overwhelming emotions. To be fair I didn't really care if you knew or not by then," she said, shifting her gaze to the floor. 

I took in a deep breath, "How did you do it? How did you live with the pain?" I didn't want to see her cry by frankly I felt the need to know. 

"I packed my shit and left, Draco. The man I loved was gone, my child was gone, my own best friend was gone, I seriously had no one," she explained, trying to keep it together. 

"Wait, what happened with Leona?" I thought they lost contact, I never expected her to stop being best friends with her. 

She fiddled with her fingers as she began to explain, "The day of your wedding I miscarried. I begged Leona not to go but she went anyway, it was petty really. I got over it long ago."

"That's funny because she threw cake on Astoria and I at our wedding," I said which made her eyes widen at me. 

She couldn't help but giggle slightly, "Well, you sure as hell both deserved it." I nodded my head, knowing she was right. 

We did deserve it. I deserved it. 

We sat in silence for a good twenty minutes, neither of us having anything to say. I parted my lips to speak before she stood up, clearing her throat, "I should get to bed. I've been up all day and Leona's going to be home late."

"Oh yeah, of course. I'll bring your box back for you tomo-" I began but she stopped me, shaking her head, "No need."

I sent her a smile and she began walking up to the stairs, "Night, Draco." I smiled, nodding my head in return as she walked up, shutting her door behind her. 

"Night, love."


I am so tired oh my god, I had online school today and I had to wake up so early. HSBFHS I fell asleep for like three hours which wasn't bad haha.

There's going to be a huge twist next chapter so prepare yourself guys <3 Hehe

Anyways, down below is Astoria's letter to Draco:


I wanted to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for sticking by me through this, I know neither of us wanted our lives to go on this way. You honestly don't realize how thankful I am that you were somewhat by my side knowing I couldn't be with Marcus. 

Speaking of Marcus, I want you to tell him. I want you to write to him letting him know I'm dead and that I always will love him. In our dresser, I hid a letter addressed to him. Please, I want you to owl it to him so he knows. 

I don't have much time but I wanted to tell you that Alora was pregnant with your child three years ago. She miscarried so don't go looking for the kid. I know this because she wrote to you about it back then but being the selfish woman I once was I decided to send the letter back to her, I'm so sorry Draco.  

It won't make much of a difference probably but she had a test done to make sure who the father was. It was down to you and Atlas. I know, shocking. 

I hope one day you can be with her again, Draco. I couldn't be with the love of my life but you can, you both still have time. 

Thank you for sticking through this with me. I'll be watching over you in hell unless I ended up in the good side then I'll be watching the 'Alora and Draco show' with your unborn son. 

Take care, Draco. 


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