"Uh why would you do that?"

"He's asked several times. And he's been so great I just think he deserves to know."

"Soph I'm not sure telling him you thought he was a womanizer is such a good idea."

"I just don't want to keep lying to him."

"You're not lying!"

"If I'm not lying then what am I doing?"

"You're just keeping something from him that might or might not hurt him," she says and I sigh.

"I think I need a second opinion," I mutter and she sighs.

"Look, I wouldn't but you're gonna do whatever you want either way so," Claire says and I sigh. "Love you. I gotta go. I gotta get up early for work."

"Love you Claire," I say and hang up. I dial Addison's number and she answers after the first two rings. "Addie. I need advice," I say and she sighs.

"Hello to you too," She says and I shake my head.

"Hi. Look I need your advice."

"Okay what's up?"

"So, what if you were rude to someone at first and you had misjudged them. Would you tell them that you misjudged them?"

"I don't know Soph. Personally I'd want to know, but everyone is different."

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Anytime. Who is this person?"

"I'm not sure if I should say."

"Who is it Sophia?"

"I'm not telling you," I say and she sighs.

"Fine don't tell me," She says and I sigh.

"Hey come visit in a couple weeks please," I say.

"Alright I'll talk to mom and dad. And you're flying out here for graduation in a week right?"

"If I can," I say with a small smile even though she can't tell.

"You should bring Harry too," she says and I take a deep breath.

"You want me to bring Harry to your high school graduation?"

"Yeah why not? You can come incognito if you want," she says and I laugh.

"I'll keep it in mind," I say. "I gotta go Addie."

"Bye Soph."


I pace back and forth and look at the door. I walk outside and see Harry talking to the lighting people. "Hey Styles!" I yell and he turns around. He smiles when he sees me and waves goodbye to the people he's talking to. "Hey Knight. You done for the day?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I have one more scene," he says and I nod.

"I have something I need to tell you," I say and he nods.

"Okay what's going on?"

"When I first met you... I-I wasn't sure how to feel about you".

"What do you mean?"

"The reason why I was so cold and distant at first is..."


"You know, you, well you're portrayed in the media as a womanizer and a flirt or player."

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