Eclipsed Part 2

Começar do início

"It's okay. I can handle it." She practically whispered, her voice not strong enough to speak loudly. The reality of her situation really hit her then and she squeezed her eyes shut. "What am I going to do?" Her voice sounded terrified, even to her own ears.

"The organization is going to retire you." She shook her head, keeping her eyes shut. "You'll go back to your job as an assemblywoman and you'll live a normal life. Moonstar will have never existed."

"I won't know what to do with myself. I've lived this life for ten years now."

"If it makes you feel any better they're retiring me too." Her eyes shot open and she shifted so she could see him.

"I'm sorry. You would never have been in this position if it weren't for me." He scoffed.

"I wasn't going to let you die Byul." His eyes darkened. "Not again." She blinked, afraid to move. "An agent died a while back when I was their operator. I heard the whole thing and I did nothing. I couldn't do it again. But it's against protocol so they're retiring me." He managed to smile, but she could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I got shot." He laughed loudly at that.

"I'm sorry you got shot too. It can't be fun. Can't say I've ever tried it myself."

"I can tell you it's worse than you think it would be."

"Really? I can't imagine it being worse than I think it is. I already bet it feels like hell." She laughed lightly, watching him smile at her. The silence stretched between them and she took in a deep breath.

"Thank you, Jin." She said, seriousness lacing her words. "I don't know how to repay you for saving my life." He shrugged, running a hand through his hair.

"It wasn't so hard really, the bullet missed most of your organs."

"Jin I'm serious. I - I'm not used to having people care about whether I live or die and - well it means a lot knowing you did it despite meaning you would lose your job." The lightheartedness left his eyes and he nodded.

"I did what would let me sleep at night." The words resonated in her. They were words she had said before. She had to do what let her sleep at night. It was the only way to keep herself sane. "Speaking of sleep, you should get some more. You're going to have to get back to being an assemblywoman at some point and explain your four-day disappearance."

"Four days! Fuck!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe I slept for four fucking days."

"Don't worry, they won't fire you. The media is very worried about you, they suppose you've been abducted. I can't imagine what sort of story you'll have to tell them."

"Maybe I'll say an almost-doctor abducted me." She said looking at him sideways. He laughed.

"You think they would believe that this face could abduct someone?" He held a finger to his cheek and gave her a smile with his eyes closed. She had to admit, he was pretty fucking cute. In the next second, he had dropped the smile and leaned forward, hair hanging over his eyes. Her heart started pounding as his lips came within inches of hers. "If I really wanted to abduct you, I would have done it by now, Byul." His voice was husky and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Get some sleep now!" He stood, cheery demeanor returned and left the room in a flutter. It left her reeling. But also invigorated. What an interesting man.


It turned out it wasn't so hard to explain to the media what had happened to her. She said she had been in a bad car crash that had left her stranded for a few days before being able to get to a hospital. The organization helped her fake the documents and it went smoothly from there. Her retirement from the organization was painless as well, though the feeling of being alone had started to haunt her every movement.

Moonbyul & Jin | OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora