Heaven sees Allie part 2, and Logan meets Skylar

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"Here we go Heaven we are going to see Allie cause she has been wanting to meet you" he says as he carries her down to Allie's room

"Is it almost sleepy time for you?" he asks Heaven as they ccontinue to head for Allie's room

Heaven nods

"After you get to bond with Allie for a little bit we'll come back, and maybe you can bond with her more" he says as he moves the hair out of her eyes as they approach Allie's room

Heaven eyes kind of went big hen she saw her baby sister in the incubator

"Is that Allie?" Heaven asks from Logan's arms

"Yes that is your baby sister Alexandria" he says as he puts her in the chair that was by Allie's bed

Logan moves the chair closer, so Heaven could see Allie a little better. Heaven put her hand in Allie's incubator, and she holds tight

"This is a sisters bond that can't be broken" he says as he gets a picture of the two hands being held tight

Soon Heaven started to fall asleep in the chair next to her sister, so Logan decided to leave her be cause she was comfortable next to her baby sister

"I'll be back I'm going to see about your other sister" he says as he goes in search of the other little girl that woke up

"What's Heaven's sister name?" Logan asks the nurse

"Skylar and she is almost a year old" the nurse says as she takes him to Skylar's room cause she was in the ICU wanting her mommy and daddy

"Why wasn't this on Heaven's file?" he asks the nurse as they continue to go down to Skylar's room

"Heaven and Allie are on Skylar's file. I guess the worker at the orphanage brain washed all of the kids that live there, so if they have siblings they don't remeber them" the nurse says as they continue to head for Skylar's room

(Skylar's room)

"That  is little Skylar" the nurse tells Logan as they enter the room where Skylar was

"Mama" Skylar says from her hopsital bed

"What should i do?" he asks the nurse

"Make up something for now, and then when she is older tell her the truth" the nurse says to him as she enters the room with him to make the transition for Skylar a little easier

"Mama" Skylar says again

"Hi baby I brought you a friend to see you" the nurse says as she comes into Skylar's room

"Does she call everyone mama?" he asks her

'Yeah we hate to tell her what really happened to her parents" the nurse says as she lowers the bars on the crib that Skylar was in

The nurse picks Skylar up, and hands her to Logan

"Skylar would you want to go to Logan?" the nurse asks her

"No mama" Skylar says to the nurse

"Sweetie I have to get back to work, and he is really nice" the nurse tells Skylar

"Otay" Skylar says as the nurse hands her over to Logan 

"Hi Skylar" Logan says to the little girl that he had in his arms

Skylar waves to him

"It''s okay you are safe with me I have your sister here, but you can't see her cause she is sleeping right now, and we don't want to disturb her" he says as he leaves Skylar room with her, so he could get to know her a little better cause he was going to be her daddy from there on out

"Mama, dada" Skylar says to him

"Your mama and dada went on trip, and they won't be back for a while until they come back will i do?" he asks her as they continues to walk the halls together for a little bit

She nods 

"That's good do you want to walk for a little bit?" he asks her

She nods again

"Down you go now hold my hand okay" he says to her 

"Otay" she says as they continued to walk the halls a little bit

Logan had a great time with Skylar and he couldn't wait until he brings her home from the hospital, so she could have a family once more. As they continues to walk the halls Skylar called everybody mama or dada

"Skylar what are you going to call me?" he asks her as they head back to the room cause she had enough walking for one day

"Dada" she says to him

"Okay you can call me dada for a bit" he says as he puts her back in her crib

Skylar didn't want to go back in her crib

"Skylar can you go back in your crib for dada please?" he asks as he tries to put her back in her crib once more

She shakes her head no

"Why don't you want to go in your crib baby girl?" he asks her as he goes back into the hallway with her

"Dada" she says as she clings to Logan for dear life

"Do you want to stay with me angel?" he asks her as they head for the elevator, so they could go explore the hospital a little bit more since Heaven and Allie were still sleeping

She nods

'It's okay I'll see if i can leave with you, so you can get some fresh air lady bug" he says as he heads for the front desk to see if he could take Skylar outside of the hospital for a little bit

The nurse gave him the go ahead to take her out since she woke up from her coma

"Sweetie I'm going to take you to the playground to play for a little bit" he says as he takes her to the hospital playground that was close by, so she could play by herself or with him

"Otay" Skylar says as they head for the huge hospital playground that the hospital had

'Would you want to swing?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay here we go" he says as he puts her in the swing, so he could get to know her a bit better cause he was loving Skylar as his daughter

Skylar loved being with Logan and he loved being with her

"Do you want to go in now big girl?" he asks her

She nods to him

"Okay come on and maybe later you can see Heaven and get to know her again since Heaven is living with me. You have a baby sister named Ava" he says as they enter the hospital together

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