Mira's First Pokémon!

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Hey. I have Mid-Terms and DRA's and blah blah blah, and I'm bored, so I wrote another chapter.

I don't own Pokémon





~Hop's House~

"Come on, Lee! You promised us a present! So out with it!" Hop pressed him. "You brought Mira and me Pokémon. You did, didn't you? I know you must have!"

Leon grinned. "Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion... It's show time everyone! Take a good look, you two!" He said, tossing out three Pokéballs. "The Grass-type Pokémon... Grookey! The Fire-type Pokémon... Scorbunny! And the Water-type Pokémon... Sobble!"

The moment the three Pokémon came out, they split up and ran to the place they would rather have with Mira and Hop watching them with delight. Grookey ran up and climbed a tree, Sobble dived into the pond, and Scorbunny ran around the battlefield, with embers on its feet. Sobble splashed around in the pond, shooting spouts of water, while Grookey used its stick to tap on a Sitrus berry it found on the tree. Sobble then accidentally sprayed water on Scorbunny, and in a panic, Scorbunny jumped and hit its head on the branch Grookey was sitting on, which caused the Sitrus Berry to land near Sobble. Sobble was startled, and started crying, before Grookey and Sobble comforted it.

Leon smiled. "All right! Line up everyone!"

The Pokémon stood in a line facing Mira and Hop, Grookey looking pleased, Scorbunny looking confident, and Sobble looking happy.

Leon glanced at Mira and Hop. "Which will you choose?"

"Go on -- You pick first. I've already got my Wooloo, after all." Hop urged Mira.

"Thanks, Hop." Mira said gratefully. She walked up to the starters and held out a hand to all of them. Scorbunny was the first one to come, and was also the happiest, since it offered its hand while Sobble and Grookey just sniffed it or looked at it curiously.

Leon saw how Scorbunny was getting closer to Mira and said: "Scorbunny is filled to bursting with fiery passion. Are you set on the Fire-type Scorbunny?"

Mira nodded, petting Scorbunny. "I'm calling you Ace." She whispered to it.

"So it'll be Scorbunny for you? Nice one!" Hop said, snapping her from her mini trance. "Then I'll go with... Grookey! You're mine! I'm aiming to be the next Champion, so be ready! You and I will be doing some serious training!" Hop told it. Grookey squealed happily and Wooloo bleated and walked over to greet him.

"I bet you will," Leon said, nodding. "That's why I brought these Pokémon for you and Mira. So the two of you can battle and train and grow stronger together... To try to reach me!"

The Sobble looked around sadly, since no one chose it. Then, he saw a shadow and saw Leon standing over it. "And you'll come with me!" Leon said. "Charizard will show you the ropes. He's strict -- But real strong and real kind too!" The Sobble cheered lightly."

"Alright, enough of all this trainer nonsense for one night." Hop's mum said as she and Mira's mum walked over. "Dinner's ready, children. Bring along your Pokémon and let's all eat!"

"Alright!" Hop cheered. We helped set up the barbecue, and Hop and Mira's mums cooked the food. Hop was eagerly awaiting for the food to finish cooking, Leon was watching Charizard interact with Sobble, and Mira was sitting on the ground with Scorbunny, watching how Leon's Pokémon trained.

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