[1] The Call

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Lights flashing everywhere, music blasting, and people dancing like it's their last night. Turning back to the bar I signaled the bartender for another drink. Feel someone sit next to me, and place their hand on my thigh.

"Why is a treat lady like you doing here all alone?" the man yelled over the music. I continue to look at the people across the bar not paying any attention to the man next to me. The bartender gives me my drink, I paid him while turning around to look at where the hand belonged to. 

"I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend." I put out an act knowing that he wouldn't give a fuck. 

"He doesn't know what his leaving behind, let me show you how a real man treats a beautiful woman like you," he smirks, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me closer to him. Fighting the urge to throw his arms off me and knock him out.

Putting an innocent face on "Can we leave, please..." I wait for his response. He looks at me up and down and smirks. 

"Let's go back to my place sweetheart. I'll take care of you, anything you need." He got off the stool and wrapped his arm around my waist again, leading me to the club exit. When we got to his car, he walks around to the passenger side but noticed I stopped at the hood of the car. 

I look up and down the road to see if anyone was nearby, only seeing two men smoking and a bottle of vodka in between them too. I quickly look at the ground making it seem like I'm scared and shy. He walks up to me, his hand finding its place under my chin, making me look up at him. Smirking, he leans in, his lips covering mine, I do my best to not cringe and kiss him back. 

I pull away and kiss his neck, placing my hand on the tent in his pants. I hear his moans and that's when my fangs sink into his neck, too distracted by my hand movements to even feel the pain. 

"L-lets get you t-to my place where we c-continue this, bab-by" He tries to pull away, but you grab the back of his neck, holding him close to you. 

He start to fight me but his strength is nothing compared to mine. I hear my phone start to ring in my left hand, I ignore it and continue drinking his blood until there's no more. His body falls on the ground with a thud, I turn around and make eye contact with the two men. I walk over to them and hand them both 100 bucks. 

My phone rings once again, I walk back to the man on the ground and tap his body looking for the keys. Once I find them I hop in the BMW i8 roadster and start driving away. 

While speeding down the highway, you get another, call you look down at your phone and accept it. 

"When I can you I expect you to answer, thats how phones work, someones calls you answer!" 

"And when you pick up the phone you say, hey dear sister, how have you been? and then I answer saying oh nothing much, how about you brother.."

Not getting an answer back I'm about to hang up when Klaus starts talking again.

"I-i need your help, Rora," he says with hope and calmness

"Why? What did you do?" my voice sounding serious and annoyed with my brother.

"I need help killing two brothers, the Salvatore brothers."

"The ones that Katherine liked?" 

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you could come for a few days and help us out...Please"

"What would I get in return?"

"Anything, you could have anything!" he yelled as if I was saying yes.

"Fine, I'll get there tomorrow" I hang up before he could say anything back   

I park outside my cond building and I go inside. Once I'm in my loft I start packing everything I think I might need. One back for clothes, another for hair and skin care, and lastly weapons. I don't know what I'm getting myself into so I take all the weapons I need. I pack everything into the car, put the GPS on, and start driving off...

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