James pouted, clearly having a strong attachment to the colour red, "Have some respect."

James put down the red wool and picked up another, this time green. "This would be pretty with your eyes, it's the same colour as the little flecks in your irises."

Florence just smiled and shook her head, blushing at the comment James had made. James seemed completely oblivious to what he had just said, continuing to roam around the shop, but it was all Florence could think about. The fact that James had even payed that attention to her eyes had her stomach flipping in circles.

With a handful of different items, Florence made her way to the till in order pay. "Good morning Dottie, it's lovely to see you again." The little old lady who owned the shop gave Florence a wide smile, she was definitely her favourite customer.

"Good morning, how are you my dear." Dottie replied, scanning the items through the till.

"I'm really great, how are you?"

"Wonderful now you are here, and I see you have brought your boyfriend along with you." Dottie's eyes twinkled as she looked between James and Florence.

Florence furiously blushed at the comment, hoping that James didn't hear anything.

"Oh, uh, he's just a friend Dot."

Dot fave her a knowing look and smiled, "Well, it's great to meet your friend."

James waved and smiled at the woman who had just finished bagging up Florence's items.

"Thank you Dottie." Florence told the old woman, who reminded her so much of her own grandmother.

The two seventh years left the shop, saying goodbye to Dottie and promising to visit again, and started heading towards the Quality Quidditch Supplies shop, James seemed to have perked up a lot.

"Did you know Puddlemere United were founded in 1163, making them the oldest team in the league! I've always been a big fan, mainly because my dad supports them he even met Harry Deverill when he used to be chaser."

"I didn't know any of that but I suppose if someone quizzes me on Puddlemere United or your dad then i'm set." Florence chuckled.

"It was my dad who got me into Quidditch, taught me how to play and everything." James said smiling sweetly at the memory. "And now that Sirius lives with us, he plays instead as my dads getting a bit old."

"That's lovely!" Florence smiled widely.

"You should come to the game next week, we're playing against Ravenclaw."

"I'd love to come and support you, and Gryffindor of course." Florence said, hoping James didn't notice the part where she said 'support you'.

"Maybe you can be the lucky charm, Ravenclaw have a good team this year."

"I'll wear my lucky socks for you, they always seem to do the trick."

James laughed, not even surprise that Florence had a pair of lucky socks.

James rattled off loads of Quidditch facts, even as they entered the store and he started going round picking things up, Florence found it incredibly endearing watching him speak about something so passionately even though she knew a few of the facts as her father was an avid quidditch fan too.

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