Florence grabbed her absolute favourite dessert, cherry pie, and started to devour it (of course not before smothering it in cream).

After demolishing all of the treats, Professor Dumbledore wished them all a good nights sleep and sent the now stuffed students to bed. Being very tired, Florence wished nothing more than to go to her nice, warm bed. However, she had to go to the prefects meeting. And to top it all off, she had patrolling duty tonight.

However, before going to the meeting, the Hufflepuff prefects had to help the first years find their way to the common room and make sure none of them got lost. This meant it took rather a long time, especially when they had to lead them through the already packed corridors.

After a long and tedious walk to the Hufflepuff common room, and a long explanation of the school rules (which took a very long time since one small first year thought it would be a fun idea to ask lots and lots of questions), the Hufflepuff prefects then had to trek to the prefects meeting room on the fifth floor.

The group of Hufflepuff's reached the prefects meeting just in time, luckily it hadn't started yet as everyone was still catching up with each other. Florence did enjoy catching up with her fellow prefects even though they did all see each other on the train and now they were all just waiting for Lily and James to start the meeting.

"Thank you for coming, I won't keep you too long! We just need to quickly go over your duties as prefects. You should all be following the routers and please don't skip any patrols, and if you can't make your patrol then just let me or James know." After going on and on about prefect duties and what values they should have, Lily finally finished her speech and dismissed the prefects.

Sadly, Florence and Louis still had a long night of patrolling the stone walled corridors of Hogwarts ahead of them. They decided it would be quicker to split up than stay together as all they wanted to do was sleep after the long train journey (and plus they had to wake up at 8am tomorrow morning!). So, the two Hufflepuff's took their separate ways and started to patrol the corridors. Florence taking the West wing of the Castle and Louis taking the North.

Wandering the corridors in the silence gave Florence plenty of time to get lost in her thoughts. The serene atmosphere was calming and peaceful, and after a hectic summer and busy day of arriving at Hogwarts and sitting through the sorting, it was everything Florence needed to relax. It was especially nice being by herself for a few hours (don't get her wrong she loved being around other people but she very much enjoyed the company of herself too!).

Florence definitely missed Hogwarts. She had a really lovely summer, getting to spend large amounts of time with her family was wonderful, however, this was her last year at Hogwarts and she knew she would miss it immensely when she left. So it was really good to be back, and even though the weight of her NEWT exams loomed over her shoulders, the blonde Valentine was glad to be here.

Although something she was not too glad about was the fact that in about ten months time she would be graduating Hogwarts without a clue as to what she was going to do with her life. Care of Magical Creatures was by far her favourite subject, and she absolutely adored animals (especially her ginger cat Bowie!), however, was that something she wanted to do for the rest of her life? Or was it simply just a hobby of sorts? Life just sucked.

After finally finishing patrol (and finally finishing stressing out about having to choose a career and plan her next steps) Florence went back to the prefects room to brief the head boy and girl on what happened during her patrol. As she walked through the door, the Valentine girl immediately froze, James and Lily appeared to be in the middle of an argument which was definitely not something she wanted to be in the middle of. Lily was red-faced and glaring up at James who was rather frustratedly running his hands through his chestnut brown hair, a small frown present on his face.

The pair instantly stopped and looked up at the awkward Hufflepuff standing in the open door. They tried to compose themselves so it didn't look like they had just yelling at each other (which the two didn't do a very good job of).

"Um, I came to give my briefing of my patrol, but if you're busy, I can do it tomorrow."

"No it's okay, you can do it now we have finished talking anyway."

"Oh okay, well apart from finding Black and Greengrass shagging in a broom closet it was quite a quiet night, I just took house points off of them and sent them back to their common rooms."

"Okay, that's great. Well thank you for patrolling, but you should probably be heading off to bed it's quite late."

Bidding the couple a goodnight, Florence hurried back to the Hufflepuff common room eager to get into her comfy bed. She knocked on the barrel, walked across the common room towards the dormitories and quietly stalked over to her bed. Sighing as her head hit the pillow and her body melted into the bed, Florence had a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

authors note

1510 words!

hope you all enjoyed!

jily are arguing :(


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