"Josephine", she stated.

"Excuse me?", Newt questioned, confusion darting across his face.

"My name. I remember. It's Josephine o-or Jo", she spoke once more, her voice no longer below a whisper.

The corners of Newt's mouth tugged upwards, "Well, then, Josephine, let's introduce you to some people. Shall we?"

And with a smile as a response, the pair headed off. After what seemed an eternity of reluctant introductions and whispers behind her back, Josephine was exhausted of feeling like the black sheep among the white fur.

"And last one, promise", Newt spoke, giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Hudson", Newt called out, causing a brunette, blue-eyed boy to turn around.

"Yes? Newtie", the boy teased, earning a 'slim it' from the dirty blonde.

"This is Josephine. Josephine this is Hudson", Newt introduced them.

Hudson noticed her behavior. Off to the side, hesitant, looking off to the boys that surrounded her, all of their eyes planted on her.

He wanted to help her, ease the tension and chaos. Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly experienced with girls. But he was experienced with the feelings. The feelings that overwhelmed every bone in the human body.

Maybe, complimenting? No, that wouldn't be worth a thing.

An impression, however, would.

"Don't worry about them. They just don't want to make fools of themselves in front of such a pretty girl like yourself", Hudson spoke, his tone laced with over confidence, teasing her in a way, hoping to get a reaction out of the girl.

"What did you just say?", Josephine spoke, no longer off to the side, but right in front of the boy, a wrinkle dancing in between her eyebrows.

"They're not used to pretty girls", Hudson spoke once more, smiling as his plan worked. However, his eyes slightly widened as the girl in front of him arched her right eyebrow.

It was truly an intimidating sight.

And then, after a moment of silence with only the wind passing by, a slap was heard.

Followed by a smirking Josephine as the boys around her chuckled.

"I guess, neither are you, Hudson."

Now that, that was an impression. An impression to ease.

"I think she's dead", an anxious voice expressed, the words echoing through Jo's head.

She? She. DEAD?

The thoughts ran through Jo's head, forcing the overwhelmed girl to snap her focus back to reality. She looked down at the rusty box that encased a beautiful girl.

Her pale skin contrasted her from her long tangled black hair. She looked almost peaceful.

Jo gazed in wonder, it had been quite some time that she had seen another girl. As her eyes looked at the girl, she quickly noticed a paper wrapped inside the unconscious girl's hand.

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