chapter 6 - she's awake

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Ron's pov:

I held y/n in my arms while everyone was panicking and pacing around. Hermione came up to y/n with a hot rag and padded away the blood from her head. The blood wouldn't stop flowing out of her no matter how much Hermione tried to wash it away.

I picked y/n up bridal style, took the rag from Hermione and pressed it against her head as me, Hermione, Ginny and Harry rushed to the hospital wing.

I was panicking inside. They kept telling me that she'd be okay. I don't believe them and I won't unless I see for myself.

We all finally got to the hospital wing and I set y/n on one of the beds.

Ginny came into the room with the Healer and told her everything that happened.

Umbridge also came into the room. We were fucked.

Umbridge screamed at everyone that was at the party for about half an hour while the Healer figured out what was wrong with y/n.

"She's in a coma" the Healer said and everyone's jaw dropped.

"I don't know how long, but she shouldn't be in the coma for that long. Three weeks at most."

I could see Harry get angry while I stood there still speechless "Three weeks at most? That's rubbish!"

"Harry, her head injury caused her brain to also be slightly damaged thus her being in coma" the Healer said to Harry and she put her hand on his shoulder.

I walk up to y/n and she looks gorgeous. Even in a coma.

Damn it Ron it's all your fault. If you and Malfoy would've just left each other alone this wouldn't have happened.

"I'm sorry y/n. I love you" I kissed her forehead and we all headed back to Gryffindor common room but Umbridge stopped us.

"Don't think that you all can get away with this!" This woman is getting on my last nerves.

"Mr. Weasley! Two weeks detention. Draco and Pansy got suspended for two weeks. The rest of you one week detention! And Ms. l/n gets one week detention when she wakes up!" Umbridge says spitting in everyone's face.

"That's bloody ridiculous! Y/n's in a coma. A coma! And you're worried about giving out punishments?" I say clenching my fist.

"Mr. Weasley! I can give you another two weeks if you'd like!" I stood there saying nothing. The bitch scares me sometimes.

I started to feel nauseous. I felt like I was going to pass out. It was probably that disgusting perfume Umbridge was wearing. It smelled like roses and candy, but way too strong.

She kept yelling, but all I was thinking about was y/n. I love her. I'm going to kill Malfoy one of these days. That's what caused this mess, so that can wait.

Over the past few days I couldn't think or talk to anybody. Knowing that y/n wasn't safe just made me uncomfortable and unable to think.

Now, a week passed and this is the first day I've actually had some fun. Me, Harry, Hermione, Fred and George were all actually having a great time in our common room. We joked around about past years and how one of Fred and Georges pranks almost got them kicked out of our house.

We heard Malfoy had a hard week with his father. I mean he kind of deserves it, but I feel bad. At the same time I really don't.

All of a sudden there was a loud knock on the common room door. We open it and we see Professor McGonagall standing there looking at me.

"Mr. Weasley, she's awake"

Everyone looks at each other and smiles. We rush down to the hospital wing and see y/n sitting up drinking something, probably a small healing potion because of how tiny that cup was.

I run up to her with the biggest smile on the face.

Y/n's pov:

What the hell just happened.

I've never been this confused before.

"Y/n! How are you? Do you need anything?" Ron says running up to me.

My head was pounding. I felt nauseous, but I was glad to see him.

"Um I'm fine Ron my head just hurts really really bad, but what happened?"

"Sorry Ron, but let me take care of her head before you explain" Hermione said walking up to me.

"Episkey" My headache went away right away.

"Thanks 'Mione. Alright now tell me what happened." Everyone just stared at me like someone died.

Surprisingly Harry's the one that decided to speak up "Basically what happened is that stupid git Draco pushed Ron which made Ron fall on top of you and you know Ron's pretty heavy and well when you fell your head hit that hard ass table and put you in a coma and-"

"A what? You said a coma Harry? From a table too?" I was speechless. They don't know what they're talking about.

"Yeah...for a week" Ron stepped up and said "I'm sorry y/n I should've never gotten into it with Malfoy in the first place".

"It's fine Ron, but that's a little embarrassing for me considering I got into a coma for a week because of a stupid table" I say laughing a little.

"I thought it was cool" Ginny says coming up to me.

"Ginny!" She bent down to hug me. I saw Harry put his arm around her waist.

"Are you guys-?" I said and Ginny nodded. I gave Harry a warm smile, but also a "don't hurt her or I'll kill you" smile.

After a few minutes of catching up about what happened during the week we heard a pair of kneels walking in the hallway getting closer - Umbridge. We all groaned.

"Hello Ms. l/n! Glad to see that you're better, but you do have a week of detention" Umbridge said with the biggest sarcastic smile ever.

Sometimes I just want to rip her vocal cords out "I know I was in a coma, but you don't have to be an ass right when I get up" I stare at her dead in the eyes crossing my arms.

"Alright then! Two weeks of detention!" I've never hated someone so much before, well besides Malfoy and Pansy. She walks away and the sound of her kneels go quiet.

"Miss?" I look at the Healer. "When can I go back to my dorm room?"

"Well actually Ms. l/n you can actually go right now, I already did all the healing potions you needed, so you're free to go" She says with the warmest smile.

I got up without a problem. I actually felt better than I normally did.

Ron took my hand and led me to the common room. We all sat on the couches and just talked all night. Best night I've had in a while.

Ron kept his hand in my hand or around my waist. There would be little moments where I would see Ron staring at me with a smile on his face in the corner of my eye.

"I'm really glad you're back y/n" said Harry with a smile.

"Me too" Ron said looking over at me smiling.

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