Chapter 4

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Bunker, at night:

Dean is sitting in his room on his bed with his headphones on. Numerous of empty beer bottles are scattered on the floor near his bed as he adds another one to the growing pile. He couldn't understand the feelings that he was gaining for the Nephalem. He hated to admit it but he have gotten attached to her and if when the time have come, he won't be able to do it

​​​​​Jack and Alexandrya are both in Jack's room as  Alex  had been sitting on her cousin bed, reading a hunter Journal of a hunter named  Bobby Singer. Whilst Jack walk around the room as he felt  the brick wall as he tried to make sense of what it made out of. A knock on the door have stop both cousins from their activity. Since arriving at the bunker,both of the brothers haven't bother the cousins or the Oni that came with them. It surprise both of them 

"Who is it?" Jack asked as he shot a look of confusion and guilt at his cousin, who shot him the same look back at him. "Hey it’s me. Uh, Sam" Both of the cousins sighted in relief that it was the younger Winchester and not Dean at the moment. He seem to hate Jack more than her 

When he didn't get a direct response of the pair, Sam opens the door slowly carrying a laptop as he took a look at the confused faces that stare at him. He hope that whatever he got, would make them feel better and comfortable after the whole situation

"Hey. Just checking in. You two haven’t come out since we set you guys up. That’s fine, I mean it’s all been… pretty insane I’m sure. But, um… Anyway, I brought you guys something. Please, have a seat." Sam finally enter the room as the cousins quickly sit down on the bed, hoping to see what Sam have to show them.

"Before you were born, your mom and your auntie left you two a message," Sam placed the laptop in front of the cousins. "I know you two have a bunch of questions and hopefully this is the start of it" He then handed the pendrive over to them. Before he realised that they have no idea on how to use it as they stares at the pendrive in confusion.

"Right, yeah. Here I’ll um… There you go" he plugged the druve into the laptop for them. "Just push this button, right here, whenever you’re ready" Sam instructed them. "Thank you" Jack spoke softly as Alexandrya nodded her head.Sam gave them a small smile as he left the room, only waiting at the doorway of the room as he watch the cousins,making sure that they will be alright. Jack hit the play button to play the video, his beautiful mother popped up on the screen. There was no sign of Kaida in the screen.

"Hi Jack, it’s uh… I’m your mom. And Alex... I'm your aunt Kelly." Both Alexandrya and Jack latched on to each other. The emotions that they feel was pain, grief, heartache and sadness. Sam hold his breath when he saw how much pain they're in.

Kelly admit to Castiel that she was planning to adopt Alexandrya as her own and raise her, after hearing of what her younger twin sister was doing. The older Kline form a motherly bond with her niece, whilst in the womb of her sister 

"I guess I should tell you two, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I’d play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby." Sam phone buzz inside his jean pocket as he quickly walk away from the doorway where he has been watching Jack and Alexandrya, so he wouldn't interrupt the video 

"Jack. Alex, don’t let anyone tell you who you’re supposed to be. Because who you two are supposed to be isn’t fate, it isn’t me, ii isn't Kaida, it isn’t either any of your father. You two are who you choose to be. And I know you two are going to okay,you both are going to be amazing. You have an angel watching over you two."


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