🎇Daniel x Zoe🎇

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A/N: Hi @Catyielikeacat you didn't include much but I hope this works! I didn't really know what to do so yeah... anyway hope you enjoy it!

tags: fluff, New Years, gifts, SFW


Being a high schooler was tough as it was, but having two bodies to maintain was even harder. So, to find someone who loved both versions of him really made his heart flutter.

The school had given them a few days off for New Years so Daniel decided to take Zoe on a date. He decided on taking her to the pier to wat and then see fireworks and present his gift. He already had a gift picked out for her anyway - a silver heart locket necklace with a picture of them inside with their initials on the back. He texted Zoe letting her know he'd pick her up around 6 to eat and to wear an outfit that was warm enough to stand outside in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile ~~~~~~~~~~~

Zoe was preparing for the night's endeavors. She dressed up accordingly - a dress with leggings underneath and a warm jacket to keep her warm. She had her gift wrapped in silver wrapping paper ready - she would give it to Daniel at the end of the night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Daniel walked to Zoe's house where he picked her up and walked to the pier with her. There they found some different food stalls that were open - hoping to catch the couples wandering around for food. Many couples were around them holding hands and eating at the different stalls. Zoe noticed the intimate couples around them and wrapped her arms around Daniel's arm as they walked through the pier. Stopping every now and then for food from the different vendors.

Eventually everyone started counting down the last 10 seconds of the year together. As everyone shouted zero couples kissed and firework displays started shooting off into the cold night sky. Zoe and Daniel kissed as the fireworks went off holding each others hands trying to keep warm.

As the fireworks stopped couples began to leave the pier heading off to their homes to spend the night together. But not Daniel and Zoe. They turned to look at each other and at the same time said,

"Daniel/Zoe! I have to give you something!"

They both immediately started blushing and telling the other to go first. Daniel ended up going first.

"Zoe, thank you for being there for me. Thank you for loving both of my bodies despite the trouble it might cause you. You've always been nice to me from the start and I'm glad to be with you. So, I would like to give you this..."

He pulled out the box from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. As she opened the box Daniel watched as her eyes glowed and her lips formed a wide smile. The cold giving her a red tinted nose and cheeks made her all the prettier in his eyes. She then ran and hugged him and proceeded to put the necklace on.
She then pulled out the silver box and said,

"Daniel you were never a bother. I'm glad that both big Dan and Piggy belong to the same person because if they didn't it would be impossible to choose between. Although I'd probably pick Piggy first. Thank you for the wonderful memories!"

She hands him the silver wrapped box for him to open. She watched as he pulled the watch out, it had their initials engraved on the back.

"How did you save up enough?!"

"All those balloons from my streams!"

"Y-you didn't have to-"

"But I did!"

Daniel was a blushing mess, despite being with Zoe for a few months now he still got flustered easily by her. He put the watch on and embraced her in a hug.

After they wandered around the pier a bit longer they succumbed to the cold and agreed to return to their respective homes. Daniel walked Zoe home and bid her a farewell hug and kiss before she turned in for the night.

Daniel slowly walked back home letting the cold air bite his face as he remembered the night still fresh with giddy excitement from the precious events.


A/N: This was a bit longer so I hope it turned out okay! Please vote and comment! :)

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