2. "I'm in the closet."

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It had been a few weeks since the audition of high school musical. i'm at my locker getting my stuff for my next classes, Health class and Spanish, great, now the health teacher will be all up in my butt for not submitting homework on time.

I internally groan. Speaking of the musical, since i've been hanging around the amount of time I spent with Nini on a regular day skyrocketed through the roof by 73.27%. I know I should probably be happy but it's just weird... I'm a closet lesbian and an over-thinker.

then I heard the squeaks of sneakers on the polished floors, "hey [name]!" Nini exclaims, "can we talk?"

Talk... TALK?! Oh, fudge, why does she want to talk to me. Please no! "Uh, sure?" I tell her, Crap!

She pushes me into the janitor's closet and starts questioning me, "Are you a lesbian?" She asks, oh, no how does she know, no, no, no!

How was I supposed to tell her that I was when I was in the closet. That's why we have a closet! "Can we get out of the closet... you're making me nervous." I mumble.

"Can you tell me! Please! I won't tell, Gina gave me your insta and my gaydar is just going off so hard." She pushes on.

My heart beats fast, what do I say! Should I just come out and say it. "I'm in the closet... about it..." I say my face flushed as sweat bead start forming from the heat of the room.

"I can see that." She says, I uncomfortable laugh.

"No, I mean I'm closeted..."

"Oh crap!" She swears, "I'm so sorry! I mean, thanks for trusting me!"

"Yeah, its okay... I mean- to be fair we are in a closet..." i tell her.

she smiles sheepishly and opens the door to the outside world, same old east high, I sigh. She walks next to me as she asks, "Going to health right? Cool, i'm in the same class maybe we could walk together..." I stay silent as I walk to the back of the school. "You're skipping? Who's gonna let you skip?"

"Who's going to stop me?" I ask her, " You're free to leave if you'd like." I tell her as I look up to the sky, taking out a pack of cigarets and lighting one, she looks at me wide-eyed, "Do you want one?"

"Absolutely not! My moms would kill me." she states as she crosses her arms.

"Cute..." I mumble inaudibly to her as I look away. I shake my head as i tell her, "Okay, don't then. I'll just smoke by myself. If you want to go that badly you can leave, I'm not going to force you to stay."

"No! I'm staying." She shouts, oh god, fuck. Too loud. I throw the cigarette to the ground and stomp on it, uplighting the small cigg. then i grab her hand and run out to the backroom closet. "What was that for?"

"Do you want us to get caught?" i whisper-yell, she stays silent as I look through the hole in the wall, I see Janitor walks across the yard into the building, "Let's go, we can run to my car. Leave the school." I whisper to her.

She lets go of my hand as asks, "How will I tell my mom's?"

"Just say you've got an old guy with very bad hearing and he couldn't hear me when you said 'here'. Simple." I tell her as I hold out my hand.

"So you want me to lie to my parents?" She questions, "Do you think it'll work?"

"Yeah, i give that excuse all the time. And you saying it to yours makes my excuse not suspicious. c'mon I wanna show you something cool." she looks skeptically at me, "come on, live a little," I state. She grabs my hand as we run to the parking lot.

"I'm going to get into so much trouble for this." She sighs as I start up the car.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't get caught then." I tell her grabbing something at the back of the seat and giving her a grey sweater hoodie. "Wear this, you can hide your face if you'd like. Just put up the hood."

"So where are we going exactly?" She questions, who could blame her. I mean, I doubt she's been around here before.

"We're going to the west side. There's a tree upon a hill, looking down across the city. It's my comfort place, place where I can clear my head, y'know." She nods, "I was thinking about maybe going to a seven-eleven to get food and drinks, or something."

"Yeah, sure. Ricky's asking were we are. He must be worried."

I scoff, "Yeah, he must be worried sick. He's your boyfriend after all, it's only natural." I say sarcastically. She didn't respond after that.

Once we got to the seven-eleven we walk in together, She looks really cute in my sweater. She walks over to the big gulp station. I walk to the food section picking up a few items, goldfish, doritoes, hot Cheetos. As I look at Nini across the store I mentally slap myself. "[name]! She had a boyfriend, Ricky! Get over her, she's not interested. Obviously." I mumble inaudibly again, "But why would she come with you, you gave her perfect chances to leave but she didn't..." I sigh, maybe she just wants to be my friend again, i guess.

I head over to the slushee machine as I peak at her looking at the array of flavours. "Hey, need some help?" I ask her, she jumps in surprise.

"Uh, no. I was waiting for you."

"Aw, you didn't have too. But thanks." I take a cup and pour myself a black cherry pepsi/ blue shock mountain dew.

Once we both go up to the counter to pay for what we had bought I start to open up my phone to virtually pay for it, "I'll pay." She states as she hands the man twenty-five bucks, "Don't worry, also keep the change." She walks out of the store, what the hell. I was supposed to pay!

I walk out to the parked car, Nini waiting outside the passenger seat. I unlock it and we both pile into the red car. "Hey, I was going to pay for it, y'know."

"I know, it's just, I wanted to pay for it. Think of it as my treat." she says sweetly.

I shake the feeling off, "Whatever, let's just go to the tree."

As pushed the exhilarator slightly and gripped the wheel she was silent, quietly playing with the strings of my sweater as she hummed the tunes of the radio music. It was nice, the quiet was comfortable...

As we drove closer she states she could see the tree, and that it must be massive if she could see it from this far away. I laugh, this girl is really something I swear.


[A/N: Thank you for reading the Second chapter of this story! Comment and vote if you want a more! So sorry for making you guys wait, i've been so caught up with other stuff I forgot. Sorry!]

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